This Is How 2019 Can Truly Be Amazing

For the year to come be better, we must be better

Stephie Neuman
Brainstorming Lines
7 min readDec 31, 2018


I shouldn’t be here. It is New Years Eve, I should be in my room hanging up my new Boku No Hero Academia frames I bought from Picolo and filling my face with makeup. But there is something I want to tell you and I can not wait anymore.

The time is now.

I want you to understand that the year to come is only gonna be better than the one you just have been through if you commit yourself in being someone better.

And yes, even if you already think you are a good person, there’s always a way of improving the person you are alone and towards others in both personal and professional sphere.

Be Better, For Real

This whole energy of renewal, this optimistic idea that the year we enter will surpass all the others we already lived is amazing, and I believe in its power to change people for better from the last day of a year to the very first of the new to come.

But one thing we shall understand is that for the year to come to be better, we must better, because what will make your year good will be you, your choices, and consequently the opportunities and blessings that will come to you.

  • Be optimistic while remaining realistic;
  • Be hardworking and always improving;
  • Dive into your dreams without fear;
  • Stay away from toxic people, who discourage and harm you through their words and their energy. And if you are one of them, change;
  • Strive to have a good reputation, your image counts a lot, but be true. It makes no sense at all looking like a good person without being for real;
  • Do not give up even when everything seems to be falling apart, have good will;
  • Learn with your mistakes instead of feeling sorry for yourself;
  • Do not create expectations in people, and do not project your dreams into them. People are human, they disappoint. Know them first, understand them; Do not give in to them without being sure;
  • Love yourself, spend your time with people you love and activities that will give you return.

About Opportunities and Big Plans

Don’t be afraid of having big plans and really chase after them to make them happen. There are two ways I’ve seen huge things happening in people’s lives this year.

First; I’ve seen people diving into their dreams without fear, improving themselves and truly giving the face to beat. These people did not give up even after having heard negative comments, even after a lot of people said they were not going to make it and that their efforts were worthless; because these words are nothing if you truly believe in yourself and in your dreams.

Second; Things happen because these people get opportunities, and I know they don’t come to us easily, so here’s a tip: work on improving yourself, try to make things happen. If are contacts that you need, go after it, use the ones you already have until you get to the ones you need. If it’s sponsorship for your content that you need, go after it. If it is passing in an important selection process that you need, study hard and go after it.

Think of all the people who are inspirations to you. What makes them your inspirations? What did they do to get where they are now? If I close my eyes now I can picture so many of them!

(Doublelift’s picture taken by Logan Dodson)

Wanna know what they have in common? They did not give up. They improved themselves everyday and it wasn’t easy at all.

Everyone wants to get to the top, and if reaching the top was common and easy, there would be no spotlight at all.

If it all goes wrong… Try again, but don’t give up.

I always present everything that I need or truly want to God because I believe that if something exists inside my heart it is because there is a purpose for it, so I believe that through Him I will be empowered and succeed. And with all the things that have already happened in my life (most of them unexpected, intense and positive), to each of them my faith is strengthened, and to Him I give all honor and all glory.

I know that many of the people reading this blog may not have the same beliefs as me, and there’s no problem in that, I try to always give the most relevant advice so that you have a mindset that can give you an impulse in the right direction and closer to your success.

So if you do not believe that opportunities will come through Grace, go after them, believe in the power of your heart’s desire as long as it will not hurt other people and it’s gonna be something that you will use for good, and just go after it.

Set Goals, and Work On Them

Make a list of everything you’d like to accomplish this year, even if they look impossible. Make a list of all your wishes in any sphere, set them as goals and place this list somewhere you can look everyday.

Every day you think about where you are, where you want to go and what you’re doing to get there.

For 2019, be your own inspiration, be your hero.



Stephie Neuman
Brainstorming Lines

Community Manager at Ubisoft Brasil and secret DedSec member. Former journalist. Talkative nerd that constantly travels in time and space. Opinions on my own.