We Are The Gears of The Universe

The importance within our smallness for everything we imagine, develop and create, the way we move and impact, and turn the empirical into reality

Stephie Neuman
Brainstorming Lines
8 min readDec 17, 2018


I’ve recently talked to a friend who asked why things were working out so well in a job he’s developing. Up to a few weeks before, things did not seem to be going on so well in a general way. Life sounded a little confusing.

I want to share with you a reflection, and with it, a couple things to keep in mind when developing a project that you don’t know if is gonna work, but still, it is inside your heart.

And we are not necessarily talking about social projects or charity. We are talking about profitable projects and personal life impact.

When you desire the good, the good desires you too

What I’ve learned from all the things I’ve seen, was that things cooperate for those who are making something positive for other people.

When you make stuff you originally planned with your heart, and execute them desiring the good, the good desires you too.

It is like the universe smells that whatever you’re doing, is gonna be good and important to someone else. Maybe to light them up or to give them hope and a direction.

Have you ever stopped to realize that one thing that you do and work on today, that may be the work of your life, your masterpiece, or just some other project without great pretensions, can impact people’s lives in many different ways depending on the context they’re living and in how much the factors involved on your work are related to their lives?

How many times, in events like Brasil Game Show or Comic Con Experience I saw people hugging others because in difficult times their works were present? I saw artists embracing illustrators at the Artist Alley, saying that their work inspired them to start drawing. I saw kids running around the Indie Area telling game developers their games were the best they have ever played and they started to pay more attention to our national game production because of their small company. I saw a boy hugging a voice actor for a famous video game character saying he admired his work, and that inspired him to invest in his career as well near a Funk Pop booth at the Comic Con.

Whatever you’re working on now, it can be a text as simple as this one, it can be a draw, a book, a study [in any area], an opinion in esports that you decided to share in a video or on social media based on a serie, a game or even in a whole championship; everything we do can reach other people and add to their lives. It just depends on how it will reach them, at what time and how it will make a difference to them.

It can even be important for, in the future, some other person use your studies to do something else that will revolutionize a concept, a system or simply an action. Or maybe you will be the one who’ll make it, to the beggining to the end.

Remember, the great thinkers of the past today are used by us as bases and references.

The human importance within the smallness

You do not have to believe it, but you can get to the center of the idea and apply it to your life in an efficient and productive way, because what I’m about to share with you is a very personal thinking.

I believe God places inspiration, focus and goals inside our hearts. And our minds, while seeking these dreams, are blessed by opportunities or briefly moments that drive us forward, making us reach new heights. Those brief moments of something we commonly call as luck.

But rather than being just luck, it can be a push from God toward something that will do well for the continuation of something important to our history, on a scale far bigger than we imagine we are even inserted.

We are small for the universe, but still important. I use to say we are its gears.

We are the gears of the universe, for everything we imagine, develop and create, for the way we move and impact, for all the things that are empirical, but become reality by the moment we stop and say “I will do it”.

Attitude and action are key words, essential for standing out. Almost everything comes from the sky but not everything falls from the sky. You have an active part in that too, don’t forget that.

As a Christian I have a very personal way of looking at all this, and seeing the importance of both our existence and our creations, but if you are able to understand how important we are within our smallness, my part was completed successfully.

Do not be afraid to dream. You can stand out.

With or without a project, you can make a difference

As far as personal life is concerned, you can also make a difference in people’s lives through your words and actions, without necessarily having a project involved. In this connection Era, expressing the good things that exist within you and motivating others, sometimes, are enough.

You can be a keystone in someone’s life, but you still have to create something. In this case: ties, memories, support, strength and positivity.

Ties; Human existence makes more sense when we have people around us. Do not be afraid to meet people and understand how the journey of life can be beneficial in the areas you believe both can help each other grow.

Memories; Creating memories validates the idea of importance of one human being in the other’s life. Be present. Be loyal. Have fun.

Support; Support is one of the foundations of all things that work good in life. Sometimes a person has a dream but does not believe in their own potential. You can understand where that person wants to go and help to study ways to get there. Remember, if someone has a dream, do not kill that dream. Help them to be realistic and understand how to make it come true, and make it clear where they need more effort to make it happen. Everything is possible.

Positivity; It seems like the motivation we have to go through life flows better with positivity. It does not mean being unrealistic, but facing every obstacle as a challenge that can be overcome.

Last but not least; Learn to hone to grow, and never to diminish others to feel greater. And whenever you have the chance and see potential, help others grow as well by giving them strenght and support, and never the other way around.

About expectations, disappointments and failures

If you ever wonder why something you really want to accomplish did not work out, think about the impact it would have on other people’s lives and not just yours. Think of a way to put your dreams into practice in another way, something that makes sense inside your heart and out of your bubble makes a positive impact.

What has gone wrong and why? How can you avoid that going wrong in a next project?

Many times we know where we want to go and we have an idea of what to do to get there, but as life goes on and days go by, everything is in constant change, and not always the idea that we had at the beginning will seem clear and plausible in the middle of the process.

Instead of having expectations, have hope. And well defined goals with different plans to make it work.

Instead of being disappointed with something that has not worked, feel motivated to find a new strategy.

Instead of facing something that did not work as a failure, see it as a new challenge. The challenge of getting it right next time.

And next time starts now.

The fixed points in time and history

I want to finish this reflection with you with one more of my beliefs, that was introduced to me for the very first time during the second episode of the fourth season of the “New Who”, the new era of the Doctor Who Series.

And yes, I want you to pay attention on this.

In the episode “The Fires of Pompeii”, The Doctor and his companion, Donna Noble, meet a friendly family in Rome, in the first century AD. A billion things happen in this episode, but what most calls my attention is that Donna wants to stop the volcano from erupting and killing all those families, and The Doctor tells her that the eruption is a fixed point in time and must always happen.

They becoming friends or not with the people that lived there before, it doesn’t matter, because it shall not have an impact on the universe on a time scale. But the eruption, the death of those people (and obviously of an alien race, the Pyrovile, ‘cuz come on, it is Doctor Who) is a fixed point in time. And just in case it does not happen, the whole universe shall pay for it and collapse.

Still, even knowing that they should leave the family there to die in order to not interfere in the history we know about Pompeii, Donna makes The Doctor come back and save at least one person, regardles of who it is.

And two regenerations later in the series, when The Doctor must find a new form again, he owns the face of the man he saved in the incident of Pompeii. Which was played by Peter Capaldi on the time.

I believe that in “real life”. I believe that history has fixed points in time. Some stuff must happen in the history of the universe, and every single thing that exists on Earth and beyond will cooperate for these events to happen.

So if you have one thing setted in your heart and you’re convicted this might be something good that might add to you and to other people too, there’s a huge chance for it to become reality.

We all have active roles in that. Maybe you have a fixed point in time. Maybe I have a fixed point in time. Maybe we all have.

And maybe that’s why we all have been born, and why we are all still alive.



Stephie Neuman
Brainstorming Lines

Community Manager at Ubisoft Brasil and secret DedSec member. Former journalist. Talkative nerd that constantly travels in time and space. Opinions on my own.