Childhood’s Fairy Tales

A Fantasy Poem of Childhood

Azhar Hussain
Braised & Blanched Publications
2 min readOct 2, 2022


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In the Leisurely Moments
of childhood events.
In the early evening
with childhood’s leisurely roam
Seeking for Asylum
In a leap of grand mom
Under the high blue dome
In the paradise of my home
little heart’s limitless oceans
Longings and craves, with emotions
Crazy for fairy tales.
Listening to it with great pleasure
And in imagination
With a great passion
Wondering, “Aww, the beauty she holds.”
The Fairy — as old mom told
Thus, yearning to marry
With unseen beauty of
The character of the story
Holding wings and immortal glance
Enriching pleasant weather of emotions
all transformed to the young imagination
It was the dawn of young pleasure
And now, in the boyhood leisure
Often, I recall now the memories
Of those tales of fairies
Now childhood is a memory
And all those pleasures
Seemed so rare
I craved for all of them ever
But those days not returned ever
Tangling into youth’s threads
Having no time to pass
with grandma on her bed
and listen to her stories
Stored in the memories
Oh! Grandmas vocal treasure
Oh! I have no time brother
For her mesmerizing tone to hear
Used to listen in childhood
With an innocent heart, in the woods
Now, I have no time to turn towards
To stare at enchanting birds
And the buzzing bees
On flowers and in the trees
Ah! No pleasure in life for me
Now the days; have no ways
To get leisure and joy and to enjoy
The only way I have to get rid of worries
to memorize my innocent memories.
Now, the only craving for
Passing the time of childhood
I long to go back.
In childhood’s dales
To listen to those fairy tales

I hope the poem will amuse you and take you in your childhood days.

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Thanks for the time you gave to read my so-called poem.

Azhar Hussain: the writing whiz.



Azhar Hussain
Braised & Blanched Publications

I am @Poet _@Writer_@ researcher- I write poems, fiction & non-fiction short stories & articles. “Brevity, Clarity and Simplicity catch the focus of readers”