Why Should You Continue to Suffer?

Set me loose, set me free from all the chains that bind me.

Le Voir N. Lewis
Braised & Blanched Publications
2 min readJul 14, 2022


Person wearing silver chain by By Мария Кашина/Pexels

You’ve reacted negatively to their opinions one too many times. Let it go.

You’ve ruined that pretty face with tears from words that have no bearing. Dry your eyes.

You’ve lost control. You are a slave to their words. You are a captive to their opinion. You are in chains.

Their words only have power because you have allowed them to. Due to this, you’ve emotionally suffered from the words of toxic friends, toxic family, coworkers, bosses, and from total strangers.

It’s led you to feel undervalued, suffer from low self-esteem, and riddle your head with self-doubt.

Those cuts you’ve inflicted on yourself, those cigarette burns that continue to sear into your arms; this is because you chose to listen to words and emotionally drain yourself over and over again.

They see how emotional you become when they utter such phrases. You cry yourself to sleep at night, only to wake up in the morning to the same words echoing in your head. You are wrapped in chains.

