A Gold Star, or A Tap On Your Shoulder — Which Would Your Writing Get?
Brammarly Editing: The First Week
Following the money, but coming up short
I joined up as an editor for a pub on Medium in a weak moment, annoyed with how little money I had made last month here — $63. I was foolish to tie my earnings to my writing, and even more foolish to think that if I was grateful and curious enough to read back my editors, I would be read back by the people whose stories I had chopped into some sort of shape.
Sure enough, my stats were worse after I started to edit because I had less time left over for my writing.
Shuddering at some of the writing
I also did not realize how much flimflam would come my way. After a week of 50–60 a day notifications of drafts, I couldn’t tell who wrote what. But for one fella going strong with chapters of a book he’s writing on Medium, they could all have been written by the same person under different aliases. It was as if they had asked a search engine “What to write on Medium”, and search engines being what they are, all of them had followed the same advice in the same yawn-inducing way.