Create Followers, Not Brands

Brian Sooy
Everybody Brands
Published in
2 min readJun 22, 2022

Many companies get one thing wrong with their branding.

They think their brand is relational.
People don’t want relationships with brands.

People want relationships with people.

What if your brand helped people build relationships?

What if your branding focused on your customers’ desires and not your company?

Remember, building a brand is about creating followers.

In the consumer’s mind, your brand = a solution to a problem.

That implies that people when people are looking for a solution, they are thinking about a category and not a brand.

People will follow a brand that leads them to a solution.

For example:
Category = Coffee
Brand = Starbucks

“I’ll go out of my way to get a Starbucks.”*

*No, this is NOT me. OK, it is me.

So how can you create followers?

(Think back to your Sunday school lessons and how Jesus made disciples)

Declare one compelling truth,

Invite people to believe in it,

Give people the words to spread the message,

Show people how to follow.

There are 5 ways to do this:

Join the customer on their journey:

  1. Speak to the Heart: A vision that appeals to people’s desires.
  2. Inform the Head: A reason to own and apply your solution.
  3. Be the Hands: Show people how to grow & achieve their desires.
  4. Be Helpful: Walk with people
  5. Create Habits: Help people build beautiful routines that sustain their desire (and your brand!)

– Great brands appeal to the heart and speak to the mind.

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Brian Sooy
Everybody Brands

Agency Owner @aespire | Brand Architect | StoryBrand Certified | author