A Chatbot Almost Made Me Leave my Insurance Agency After 15 Loyal Years

Ferry Hoes
Brand Humanizing
9 min readMay 28, 2021


I’ve been with the same insurance agency for over 15 years. It started when I bought my first car — and with that my first car insurance — and now includes our home, household effects, and travel coverage. To be fair, they aren’t the cheapest but they have always been there for me. And as my dad always says to me: “ you only know if your Insurance Company is any good once sh*t hits the fan”.

And it hit the fan — Stranded in Belgium

It was a really rainy Sunday night somewhere in the early winter of 2016, some 50 kilometers from Spa in Belgium. My fiance and I had just spent a weekend with my parents at the vacation park they were staying at. We were invited to stay for the weekend, so we drove down there and enjoyed a great family weekend. It was smooth sailing all the way, up until the drive back home. It was pouring rain, we had done about 20 kilometers, and while driving down a mountain road…the car suddenly died. Everything started beeping, lights were flashing and for a moment I thought I had won a Las Vegas Jackpot. I didn’t win anything. I had lost…all power in the engine and we were rolling down the mountain road.

I was able to park the car on the shoulder of the road where the car officially deceased. “No worries honey”, I told my…



Ferry Hoes
Brand Humanizing

My name is Ferry, an entrepreneur from Rotterdam (the Netherlands) working and the intersection of Humans and Technology. Also, I publicly speak about it!