How Over-Confidence Kills Creativity

Paul Bailey
Paul Bailey on Brand
2 min readJun 1, 2022

Creativity is growth.

Creativity is play.

Creativity is a new way to think about something.

And this is why over-confidence is the killer of creativity. Because, if you are totally confident about something, you have no doubts about it. You have decided that you have nothing to learn, and when you do this then you do stop learning.

But we must keep learning. We have to maintain a level of humility and self-questioning, because there is always something new out there to be discovered. We have to continue to let ourselves play — to give ourselves permission to try something new and to be playful.

Embrace being wrong

Over-confidence suggests you know you’re going to be right. That there is a confidence which is over-riding any doubts you may have. But embrace the potential of something not being right, because when you’re being creative there is no such thing as a mistake.

If we are truly embracing creativity, then we are embracing uncertainty and everything that comes with that. To create something new is an amazing thing, but a thing fraught with insecurities.

So be creative. Embrace imperfection. Reject over-confidence.

What does this have to do with brand and brand strategy. Well, nothing and everything.

Ask yourself, are you keeping an open mind with how you lead your brand? Are you bringing your brand to life creatively? Are you doing things with your brand that you don’t feel totally confident about?

If you are being creative with your brand, then you should have doubts and you should question yourself. Because what you’re doing with the brand hasn’t been done before, so how would you know it was going to work?

Think about your brand in a new way.

Think about your brand playfully.

Keep your brand in growth.


Article originally written for Branding Strategy Insider
by Paul Bailey, Brand Strategy Director Halo



Paul Bailey
Paul Bailey on Brand

Brand Strategy Director @halostudio_love (Cert B Corps) | 20+ years brand diagnosis, strategy, realisation | MA Brand, Communication & Culture. MMBA Marketing