4 Things That You Need In Your Perfect Pitch.

Make people understand why they should care about your business idea.

Konrad W. Gorak
Brand Labs


In order to make your ideas fly you have to make sure that people understand them and care about you. Everyday we are surrounded by marketers and business owners making a pitch. It is an intrinsic component of every sale’s strategy.

Over the course of time we developed strategies that help us filter all the gibberish. Our brains have this wonderful ability to separate useful information from the garbage. It’s gotten so good at it, that sometimes it cleans up more than it should.

There are brands, products and solutions that we very often need in our lives. They make everything easier for us, they’re making us better in every part of our lives.

But unfortunately most of the good stuff goes unnoticed. How to make sure your products and services are noticed right away?

Here are the 4 major components that you need to include in every pitch that you’re making. If you miss even one of them there’s 99% possibility that your product or business idea won’t get noticed.


I’ve never heard of a great pitch that was based on logic. It’s all about emotions, moving your customers hearts, not just minds. Don’t overflow them with information, show them the emotional effect your product or services will have on them. Pour your heart out, show them that you care about them.


Passion is what drives the brand’s success. People fall in love with products that come from a place of passion. Show them the real you. A person who put hundreds of hours of effort to bring value to people’s lives. Passion is addictive, and if it’s genuine, people will catch on.


Human attention span got so much shorter over the course of time. Today you’ve got only 8 seconds to make people interested in what you do. If you can’t do that within this timeframe your audience will go somewhere else. Use it well, keep it simple, focus on what really matters.


Having people believe you is the most important aspect of doing any business. Without trust there’s no place for business. There’s no place for relationship. No place for engagement. But before people can believe in you, you have to believe in yourself first. Becoming confident about what you do and why you do it is the first step to building a successful company.

No matter how good is your product or services if nobody knows it. So the next time you talk about your business, include all of these 4 and see what happens. It will change your results instantly.

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Konrad W. Gorak
Brand Labs

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