How Digital Marketeers Allocate Budget for a Winning Strategy

Kumar Sagar
Brand Unlocked
Published in
4 min readAug 18, 2017


Is a precisely crafted inbound marketing strategy really generic in nature?

Let’s take the case of two SMBs in this regard:

  • Firm A: Adheres to high standards of service quality and has a great track record of potential customer conversion and client retention.
  • Firm B: Similar levels of service quality; yet, struggling with target group identification, customer acquisition, and conversion.

What’s the difference here?

A delicately planned marketing strategy, we say.

A modern Digital Marketing strategy needs to get to the right audience, create a bankable brand image, and sustain conversions. Modern tech has armed us with countless tools and means to achieve that.
But, when choosing the best tools that can work perfectly for your specific business needs, the walk in the park practically becomes a walk in the minefield. One wrong investment can not only waste substantial part of your firm’s budget, but also waste efforts on the wrong strategy that doesn’t have viable conversions. Thus, when it comes to allocating budget to digital and inbound marketing for maximum growth, one needs to have a strategic yet broad outlook that should involve intelligent risks for sure-shot success.

Setting the road-map for an inbound marketing strategy is pretty much like performing a tightrope walk that has to strike a balance between projected ROI and budgetary constraints.

There has been a huge change in the content consumption trends over the past few years. Accordingly, most marketeers have adapted their strategies accordingly. A modern marketing strategy has a multi-tier approach. There are multiple sub-strategies that work simultaneously. Have a look:

An SEO-first Strategy

SEO happens to be the go-to channel for all online marketers. It is an old-school process that involves building links and improving the search engine rankings. It still is one of the best ways to bolster visibility organically in the digital world and attract potential customers. Needless to say, SEO covers a lot of intermediate processes such as keyword analysis, social media presence, regular link building, generation of great content, content marketing, re-marketing, and re-sharing.

The right SEO strategy should get you atop the search results (locally, nationally, or internationally depending on the nature of business and customer demographics).
But the larger picture should be focused on getting traffic from the right consumers, and help in conversion with the help of crisp content that appeals directly to the customer’s mindset.

A Budget-Conscious PPC Strategy

Internet usage for most users is driven by search engines. In contrast to SEO, a Google Adwords PPC strategy is like a shortcut to getting the eyeballs on SERPs with, erm, the ads that you see up top and on the right of your search results.

A precisely targeted PPC campaign backed with crisp content and the right offers can yield quick conversions. It is more about articulating the campaign and adapting the landing page content in a manner that the probability of conversion from each click is higher.

Digital Marketeers normally analyse behavioural patterns of the relevant target customers over an initial period so that the campaign gets better in result conversion as it goes ahead.

An SMO Strategy for Reaching Out to the Online Generation

Social presence is essential for creating a brand image that assists the marketing efforts. Social branding is for direct as well as indirect customer acquisition. Not only does it help bring your services and products in front of the customers, but also helps them stay connected so that the competition in the domain does not cost you the customer’s loyalty.

As more and more people are engaged on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, firms today need to allocate budgets towards building an authoritative yet approachable presence on social media platforms.

Further Fine-tuning to Make the Marketing Strategy Click

A few top marketers have often followed cost-per-customer strategy to get the best results and profits without compromising on the leads. As time goes by, further fine-tuning is required to understand the specific channels that can help attain the maximum ROI. The focus should be on organic growth for leads and improved budgetary management after fixed periods of implementing strategies.
A great marketing strategy is beyond the boundaries of traditional rules. It just requires you to be eager for bold steps that simply get the eyeballs.

The intricacies of a successful marketing campaign are such that they can only be implemented specific to a firm’s requirement. This is also the reason why no single marketing and branding strategy can work for all scenarios and business requirements.

So, what’s your strategy?



Kumar Sagar
Brand Unlocked

Content enthusiast, Strategist & Branding guy with interest in entrepreneurship. Enrolled in the fellowship of Life.