Published in
2 min readDec 22, 2016


Chain Reactions now Edelman affiliate in Nigeria

Following a one-year strategic partnership, Nigeria’s Chain Reactions, a foremost PR outfit, has become the exclusive affiliate of Edelman, a leading global communications marketing firm of South-Africa origins.

With the new partnership, Edelman is expanding its existing operation beyond 13 countries across Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa (APACMEA) where it has presence while Chain Reaction benefits from Edelman’s international reach and expertise.

The MD/Chief Strategist of Chain Reactions Nigeria, Israel Opayemi, said that his firm’s admission into Edelman’s affiliate network would propel his firm to do more ‘best-in-class services’ to its clients.

“Our admission into Edelman’s affiliate network is an important milestone in our growth trajectory. It is the kind of best-of-breed partnership we have always desired. Our current and prospective clients can anticipate a balance of best-in-class services backed by Edelman’s international reach and expertise. Our affiliation with Edelman will continue to raise the bar of creativity and excellence in all that we do. Edelman’s global resources will propel us to do more of the creative work we have been known for in Nigeria.”

CEO, Edelman South Asia, Middle East & Africa, Robert Holdheim said that that the addition of Chain Reactions Nigeria to Edelman’s network of affiliates would enhance its ability to provide seamless, strategic communications marketing support across the Africa.

“Our decision to partner exclusively with Chain Reactions Nigeria was informed by the team’s unique understanding of the Nigerian market, the richness of the strategic thinking and the creativity behind their work,” he added.




Uche Akolisa is a journalist with bias in Brands, Marketing, Public Relations. You can follow her @Naijarite