Ego Obstacles — Limitations And Opportunities

Shyam Swaraj
Published in
2 min readAug 29, 2015


For some reason, I see the biggest obstacle in going from A to B or 0 to 1 is the fact that the B or 1 are themselves assumed ill-defined positions that we all strive to reach.

These are three weird ways I have used Ego to convert my limitations into opportunities:

1. “I am the decision maker”:

This made me break the big confusion to small quick decisions of a Yes or a No, or a choice between a This or a That. I give myself no third option or “Maybe”.

E.g. “What major do I take in school” became “Would I like Maths or French as my major in school”?

Negating other options gives me clarity and ease my decision making. And as I am taking my decisions it brings in a new rush of confidence and gives no chance for oblivion to exist. And in this entire process,

2. “I am the Boss and the Boss is always right”

Any group, situation or circumstance I am in is my world and I am it’s leader. This is more like the Alpha Male race. While I am taking my decisions already, that is not enough. I have to take those decisions before anyone else takes it. This drives me to be better informed or at least use quick logical analysis to justify my decision after I have taken it.

3. “I drive the results”

Now this is more a way of taking responsibility of the consequences of my decision. If the course of implementation of my decision seem like they will not yield the desired outcome, I will quickly reroute the flow of events to change the outcome. When I take the responsibility of the results, I feel more empowered.

When taking decisions and making choices become a habit, right and wrong become relative and thus the fear of what the results could be, turns into, have the decisions been taken at all and how soon they could be implemented to achieve results, irrespective of being a success or failure. In short, the philosophy of ‘Fail Fast, Fail Often, Learn Fast, Learn Often' will take precedence.

Thanks, @brandbull



Shyam Swaraj

HarvardX Certified | 3x Entrepreneur | Media Interviewer | Technology Enthusiast