MORE LIBERAL RACE-BAITING? Brandon Lowden Knows How To Pronounce Ta-Nehisi Coates’s Name

Gavin Byrnes
BrandHole The Website For Brandon
2 min readMar 23, 2018

Here in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA in the YEAR OF OUR LORD 2018 (That’s right, snowflakes! I said it), every good patriot knows that racism is a thing of the past. Insanely, there are still some LOONY LIBERALS out there who insist on dredging up old tired history and INCITING RACIAL TENSION. One of these OBUMMER-LOVING LIBTARDS is none other than Brandon Michael Lowden, who is such an AMERICA-HATING GLOBALIST CUCK that he even knows how to pronounce Ta-Nehisi Coates’s name!

Sounds like this IVY LEAGUE PANSY would rather live in another country! Like FRANCE. Or AFRICA.

“My President Was Black?” Well, unlike RACIST BRANDON LOWDEN and his idol Ta-NeHEEZY COATES, we at PatriotBrandHole don’t see color. And sorry if your DELICATE PC SENSIBILITIES are offended that we pronounced the name wrong; not all of us are COASTAL ELITES who can afford to take language classes from GEORGE SOROS.

Friends, the FUTURE OF AMERICA is at stake each and every day. We’re calling on REAL AMERICAN PATRIOTS to be vigilant about the SLIPPERY SLOPE from knowing how to pronounce Ta-Nehisi Coates to knowing how to spell Louis Farrakhan leading WITHOUT FAIL to COMMUNIST WHITE GENOCIDE. Traitors like Brandon Lowden MUST BE STOPPED, and YOU, the readers of PatriotBrandhole, are the BEAUTIFUL AMERICAN EAGLES standing between us and THE END OF OUR RACE. Think you can REPLACE US, BRANDON? Think again. Pronounce that name right one more time and we’ll send you CRYING HOME TO MAMA KILLARY. And that’s a 100% AMERICAN PATRIOT GUARANTEE.



Gavin Byrnes
BrandHole The Website For Brandon

My financial plan is an outrageous demand, and it's too many damn pages for any man to understand