Running Out Of Time: Brandon Lowden Has Only Two Years Left If He Wants To Die For Our Sins By The Same Age As Jesus

Gavin Byrnes
BrandHole The Website For Brandon
2 min readMar 23, 2018

He might only be 31, but the clock is ticking for Brandon Lowden in a big way. With his 33rd birthday just around the corner, Brandon only has two years left if he wants to sacrifice himself for humanity by the same age Jesus Christ did.

Better get your rear in gear, Brandon! Time waits for no man!

It’s been nearly two thousand years since Yeshua of Nazareth was crucified by the Romans, taking upon himself the accumulated sins of humanity. Sure seems like the hour is ripe for somebody to take up that “cross” once more, but Brandon’s running behind schedule! By the time Jesus was Brandon’s age, he had already taught in the temple, healed lepers, and been baptized by John while God’s voice declared from heaven that Jesus was his son with whom he was well pleased; on the other hand, not only has Brandon never received direct communication from the Lord, he hasn’t cured so much as a case of the sniffles! Pressure’s on much?

When Jesus Christ was 31, he was preparing every day for eventually making the ultimate sacrifice; spreading the good news, performing miracles, even getting his followers ready to carry on after he was gone. I’m not saying that Brandon can’t pull it off; he works well under pressure, and he’s still got some time ahead of him. But the kind of mindset you need to be in to give your life so that humanity might be cleansed of their sin doesn’t just manifest overnight! Here’s hoping Brandon takes a cue from the original Lamb of God soon, or else time just might run out on his chance to be the Savior.



Gavin Byrnes
BrandHole The Website For Brandon

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