Patriots. Seahawks. Who you got?

Simple Truth
Simple Truth
Published in
3 min readJan 29, 2015

Two logos enter. Only one can win.

Before the 2014 NFL season kicked off, two of our writers reviewed all 32 team logos. It’s a funny piece and you should read it.

The problem, of course, is that those two know hilariously little about design. For crying out loud, one of them has a Pocket Art Director on his desk for when he needs to contribute a design thought in a meeting.

When the stakes are as high as they will be on Sunday, it’s time to talk to the pros. We asked our design team a simple question: Patriots or Seahawks? Many designers were emailed. Four responded. Let the debate begin.

Marcus, ACD

Conceptually, New England is tapping into an anti-Redcoat element of history. The logo itself depicts a revolutionary figure birthed from the canal of the 13 colonies with his hat (hair?) ablaze. The topper also doubles as an American flag.

There are more questions than answers here. What is this hero running from? Or charging into? For the love of god, is that his hat or his hair? In the end, it matters not. Because Tom Brady.

As for Seattle, we have Alaskan art style in modern massive-American culture. I find this folk art refreshing to see. But does Seattle rightly deserve to appropriate the style from the Last Frontier? Are Washington and Alaska even adjacent? (Editor’s note: absolutely not.) In creating their logo, Seattle took a few liberties.

Winner: Tom Brady

Susan, partner & ECD

Marcus, I’d say Seattle’s art is Pacific Northwest, not specific to Alaska. You can see similar styles/motifs all up and down the northern Pacific coast. I remember it being very prevalent in Vancouver, just 150 miles north.

I vote for the Seahawks. That bird is much fiercer looking than the Patriot, who can start to look comical if you look at him too long. Fresher palette and design. And since we’re talking design, I’m pretty sure Pete Carroll never cut the sleeves off his sweatshirt mid-arm.

Also, no Tom Brady.

Winner: Seattle

Greg, digital designer

The Patriots logo is well-designed and clever. The star, the flag and the hat are all impeccably unified and tweaked to perfection. All they had to do was sacrifice all personality to get there. I can picture the old Patriot in Boston Harbor dumping tea after breaking open the barrels with his teeth. I doubt the new Patriot could handle a morning without his Lady Grey — or a fully inflated football — and he’s got the pouty frown to prove it.

The Seahawks logo, while not at the top of the NFL logo food chain, is solid. Combining Native northwestern art with the beak while giving it a sneer of contempt for those who can’t handle the rain. That said, if they made the thing pretend like it was a pterodactyl again, I would be more impressed.

Winner: Seattle gives New England the bird

Lisa, designer

Ugh. Football.

Final verdict

Gold: Seattle
Silver: Tom Brady
Bronze: New England
Ugh: Football



Simple Truth
Simple Truth

Creative branding agency born and bred in Chicago. We like figuring out what brands are all about. (And love that there’s no one way to do it.)