Clockwise from top left: Andrew Kuo, Yodamanu, Jeff Bennett, espn

Stuff we liked this week

that you might like, too

Simple Truth
Simple Truth
Published in
2 min readNov 8, 2013



Our team at Simple Truth is made up of people. These people often send emails around the office that contain things that are funny, interesting, or increase productivity.

We figure it’s time to quit hogging and start sharing. You’ve probably seen a lot of this stuff already, but our hope is that some of it makes you laugh, makes you think, or helps you work.

From Bethany, designer

  1. Wars on Kincade. Funny. 3 minutes.
  2. Dogs shaking dry. Interesting. 5 minutes. Come for the dogs, stay for the comment by “dissapointed”
  3. Famous logos meet black metal. Funny. 4 minutes.
  4. How many lines of code is your favorite app? Interesting. 3 minutes.

It seems Bethany enjoys Fast Company.

From Candice, copywriter

  1. Wheel of worry. Funny. 2 minutes. Candice says it made her laugh, take a deep breath, and work better.

From Jason, copywriter

  1. LEGO advert: Let’s build. Interesting. 1 minute.

From Luke, copywriter

  1. The pug that couldn’t run. Funny. 2 minutes. You’ll laugh, the song will be stuck in your head, and you’ll be moved by the moral.
  2. The Schedule Makers. Interesting. 12 minutes. Baseball fan? Watch. Math fan? Watch. Fan of both? Don’t watch; you might pass out.

From Mande, account director

  1. If all the ice melted. Interesting. 1 minute per continent.
  2. The man who lives without money. Interesting and inspiring. 5 minutes.

From Marcus, associate creative director

  1. New perspective on rain. Interesting. 4 minutes.
  2. Laurie Anderson’s reflection on life with Lou Reed. Interesting. 6 minutes.
  3. KEXP. Helped him work. As many minutes as you wish.

From Scott, senior designer

  1. Portlandia: bike. Funny. 1 minute. Lots of bikers in our office. This clip hits close to home.

From Steve, associate director of brand voice

  1. Springsteen addresses SXSW. Helped him work. 2 minutes. Says Steve: I know he levels this advice at musicians, but in fact it is strong advice for all creatives.

About Simple Truth

We design logos that go into outer space. We do lots of other stuff, too. Wanna meet up? Let’s do it.



Simple Truth
Simple Truth

Creative branding agency born and bred in Chicago. We like figuring out what brands are all about. (And love that there’s no one way to do it.)