The One Final Step Designers Shouldn’t Overlook When Designing Business Cards

The Brandly Team
Published in
5 min readDec 3, 2019
Your clients want business cards, not a business card file |

Many business card designers and agencies consider their jobs complete once they turn their design files over to the client and get their invoices paid. But if you want to provide a professional service to your clients (and win more business as a result), you need to take your business card design process to the next level. This means helping a client bring your design and their brand to life.

Providing a full suite of business card design services gives your clients a more impressive experience overall while allowing you more control over the printing process. Here’s how you can wow your clients with your follow-through, and ensure a sub-par print job doesn’t ruin your thoughtful design.


  1. The designer’s journey vs. the buyer’s journey
  2. Why you should offer a printing solution to your clients
  3. What to look for in a print service
  4. Complete the final step of your business card design process

The designer’s journey vs. the buyer’s journey

How does your journey as a designer compare to your customer’s journey as a buyer?

As a designer, your journey is process-based. Although you have a variety of tasks on your list, from choosing fonts to building a color palette — each element contributes to the design process.

In contrast, your client has a more complex journey when it comes to the execution of their vision for their business cards. First, your client must decide on a production method. Some business owners might attempt the DIY route, such as a template or online business card tool. While cost-effective, it limits creative freedom, which is why many people will choose to hire a professional graphic designer in the first place. A designer is the most expensive option on the market, so your client’s expectations are going to be high.

When a client chooses the professional route, they must first source potential designers, obtain quotes, review portfolios, set up interviews, and shop for printing solutions, all before the design process even starts.

After the designer’s journey is complete, your client must then determine how to turn your design into a tangible business card that they can be proud to hand out to their potential clients. Ultimately, the client’s journey involves many decision points. You can set yourself apart from the competition by assisting with the final production stage rather than handing over the design and sending an invoice.

Business Card Buyer’s Journey |

Why you should offer a printing solution to your clients

Now that you’ve covered the key differences between the designer journey and the client journey, it’s essential to understand the benefits of going above and beyond your design skills to offer clients a complete business card printing solution like Brandly.

Here are several reasons why you should make yourself indispensable when it comes to helping your clients get their business cards printed now and in the future:

Protect the integrity of your work

You spend countless hours perfecting your design and personal brand promise as a designer. From choosing fonts, colors, and layouts, and managing client relationships to applying feedback and executing all the other details that go into designing a high-quality professional business card. The last situation you want is for a client to become underwhelmed with your design due to a poor print job that doesn’t meet your or your client’s standards.

Good design is not enough |

Offering a high-quality printing solution to your clients ensures that your design comes to life as you intended. You will protect the integrity of your work and build a more satisfied customer base for your design firm.

Deliver the all-in-one customer experience your clients crave

Today’s savvy consumers value simplicity and convenience. They want the customer experience that takes them from idea to final product with as few challenges as possible along the way. This means working with a single reputable vendor who can do it all so the client can focus on their business.

By taking the extra time to manage printing solutions for your client, you’re giving them the streamlined process they crave — and yourself, the competitive edge.

Drive repeat business

You can distinguish your design services from the competition by offering print solutions for your clients. Providing a higher level of customer service turns your clients into brand evangelists — and keeps them coming back for all their design needs. Next-level service is what drives referrals so that you can focus more on your designs and less on business development.

Offering a complete print solution is an excellent way to streamline the buyer’s journey, exceed your clients’ expectations, and increase business. But how do you choose the best print solution for your business card design?

What to Look for in a Print Service

When it comes to finding the best printing service for your clients, you need to look for a company that offers convenient solutions and dedicated customer support. They must also understand the design process to honor the integrity of your business card design.

Rather than heading to a local printing shop or big box office store with limited hours and expertise, opt for an online service like Brandly. You can upload your business card design to a free private online portal for your client. From there, your clients can easily choose their print options, order their cards, and get the cards printed and shipped straight to their home or business. Best part? Shipping is always free.

Complete the final step of your business card design process

The business card design process can be overwhelming for your clients. Taking the extra step to offer print solutions to your clients will help you stand out as a design partner dedicated to the customer experience. Not only will you simplify and streamline the design process for yourself and your client, but you’ll also win over new and repeat customers with your next-level service.

Ready to offer the highest quality print solutions to your clients? Set up an ordering portal on Brandly today to get started!

