The Trick to Manipulate Your Own Mind

The secret to winning anything in life

One thing I’ve learned up to this point in life is that the mind has a memory. And it’s damn smart; it “subconsciously” recognizes patterns.

Once the pattern becomes a habit, it’s hard for you to stop doing it. It requires extra mental strength to break the habit.

“Starting from a small act, but if you do it repeatedly, one day it will become big.”

  • Starting with white lies, repeatedly, you become a compulsive liar.
  • Starting with shoplifting a lipstick, repeatedly, you become a thief.
  • Starting with faking documents, repeatedly, you can become a white-collar criminal.
  • Starting with being dishonest, repeatedly, you become a cheater.

At the same time…

  • Starting with exercising at least 3 times a week, repeatedly, you become fit.
  • Starting with eating healthy every day, repeatedly, you become well and healthy.
  • Starting with walking with your back straight, repeatedly, you have an elegant posture.
  • Starting with smiling and being positive, you become a happy person to be around inside and out and attract people with the same energy to you.
  • Starting with giving unused clothes and loose change to the homeless, repeatedly, you become empathetic and giving.
  • Starting with sharing things with others, repeatedly, you become generous.
  • Starting with only doing things that align with your core values, repeatedly, you are a person of meaningful values.
  • Starting with reading, repeatedly, you become addicted to learning.
  • Starting with making sure you get what you need to be done for the day, repeatedly, you are always on top of everything.
  • Starting with being focused, each task at a time, repeatedly, you can easily get into the flow and be productive.
  • Starting with thinking outside the box, repeatedly, you become extremely creative.
  • Starting with getting out of your comfort zone, repeatedly, you become confident and fearless.
  • Starting with telling yourself what you want to achieve in life, repeatedly, you will get there.
  • Starting with just getting it started, repeatedly, anything you want to be and do, you can be and do.

My name is Mo Seetubtim. I’m the founder & CEO of The Happiness Planner. We design beautiful personal development tools & resources that help you become happy, whole, and fulfilled.


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Mo Seetubtim
The Happiness Planner — Mastering Happiness and Success One Day At A Time

I am the creator of The Happiness Planner. I design personal development tools and resources that empower you to feel happy, whole, and fulfilled from within.