Summer Reading for Nature Lovers

Brandon Keim
Brandon Keim’s Notebook
1 min readJun 25, 2017

After many moons pecking at its shell, my first book, The Eye of the Sandpiper, has hatched!

Pigeons in love. Vacant lot ecology. How butterfly wings get their spots. Thirty-nine stories of biology’s wonders, the inner lives of animals, and environmental ideas in the 21st century.

It’s perfect summer reading for nature lovers. Now available on Kindle or paperback from Amazon:

And if you buy the paperback directly from Cornell University Press, get 50% off until June 30 with the code 09JUNE:




Brandon Keim
Brandon Keim’s Notebook

Freelance journalist and writer. Nature, animals, science & environment. Co-founder @KittyEatsBugs. Author of The Eye of the Sandpiper