Webby Award-winning Marketplace for Adopted Pets

Brandon Burns
3 min readJan 7, 2019

Over 1mm animals are adopted on each year, representing over 30% of the entire pet adoption market. However, as market leader, Petfinder’s platform was not up to date. While a majority of visits are initiated on a mobile device, page views on mobile were barely a quarter of what they are on desktop, and and conversion (to complete a pet adoption) performed even more poorly than that.

While at Possible NY, I led the the UX research, planning and wireframing of the redesigned Petfinder interface, with a focus on making it more mobile friendly and inspiring more people to adopt a new furry family member.

New Home and Search

Browse by Swiping

Optimized Shelter Experience

Not only did we make the pet shopper experience better, but we also made improvements for the shelters and other organizations that list pets for adoption. Central to that is the new photo feature. Workers at shelters naturally use their phones to take photos of the pets they currently have, yet the only way there was no way to use the platform to take a photo, or access your photo gallery on your mobile device. We fixed this for shelters, which encourages them to upload more photos, which in turn helps pet shoppers get more engaged, find the pet for them, and complete the adoption process.

