Content Marketing Case Study: How a Small, B2B Company Successfully Enticed Consumers

The challenge: Increase organic search traffic and elevate company credibility among consumers

Brandpoint Content Marketing
2 min readOct 1, 2013


For years, Rental History Reports was a trusted resource for building owners and landlords who needed professional consumer background checks. The company had been in business for 20 years, and had good relationships and a strong reputation in the industry. But when the small Minnesota firm recently decided to offer its service direct to consumers, it found itself in unfamiliar territory. Called My Rental History Reports (MRHR), this new service needed to be marketed nationally to individual consumers rather than to other businesses, and the company knew it required some good advice on how to reach consumers online and build credibility in a new arena.

The solution: High-quality, regularly updated blog content

Rental History Reports wanted to increase organic search results, drive engaged and organic search traffic to its website, reduce pay-per-click spending and build trust and relevancy with a new online audience. The company consulted Brandpoint about a year ago, and the recommendation for confronting these challenges was simple: boost their content marketing efforts with a regular blog.

The idea was to provide high-quality, optimized content on a consistent basis that would help to improve organic search results, but also speak to the concerns of consumers and at the same time establish the company as a leader in the marketplace. Brandpoint provided content that included targeted keywords and phrases, and, most importantly, addressed the questions of consumers around rental history information. Brandpoint helped the company refine content topic areas, established a strategically focused editorial calendar, and created original posts three times a week or more as needed.

The results: Increased organic traffic and sales, and improved search results

  • Rental History Reports now shows up on page one in organic Google searches for its targeted key words and phrases.
  • Organic traffic to the website increased by more than 400 percent within six months.
  • Page views per visit increased by 260 percent.
  • Pay-per-click spending was slashed.
  • More than half of the company’s sales are now a result of organic traffic.

The summary: High-quality original content posted consistently gets results

Brandpoint used original blog content to tell the consumer story and consumers responded. Rental History Reports’ blog became a resource for people searching for answers on everything from how to find rental property in a good neighborhood and how to develop a good relationship with a landlord, to how to stand out in a competitive rental situation. Targeting the blog to a specific consumer audience — potential renters — and offering that audience the information they needed raised the company’s profile and positioned it as a trusted resource in the industry.

Originally published at Brandpoint.



Brandpoint Content Marketing

Brandpoint is a full-service, industry-leading content marketing agency. We operate in 3 core practice areas that address the continuum of content marketing.