The Case for Outsourcing Your Content Marketing

Brandpoint Content Marketing
2 min readMay 8, 2014

The majority of digital marketers out there today understand content marketing has become a top priority and not just a buzzword anymore. Google has made it quite clear with its latest Hummingbird update that it’s important to create quality content that users find relevant and resourceful. But it’s not just creating quality content; it’s supporting a solid content strategy that aligns with your target audience’s needs, your brands online KPI’s, and your overall social media strategy.

Creating quality, engaging content on consistent basis can be tough — especially when your marketing team is strapped for additional bandwidth. So what are your options if your company can’t afford to hire full time in-house writer(s)? Depending on your budget and how serious your brand is about quality, you typically have two options:

  • Hire a freelance writer or network of freelance writers. Then manage each project and copywriter. Your marketing team is then responsible for all of the back-and-forth of delivery schedules, keyword research, topics and edits.
  • Hire a content marketing company. Leverage a full and dedicated team to help develop and support your content strategy, topic generation, edits, creation of quality content and measurement of monthly results.

Typically, you want to find the best content partner, one that that takes work off your desk and consistently creates content that is true to your brand, engaging to your audience, and is optimized with SEO best practices. Here’s a list of exactly what you’ll get with a trusted content marketing company:

  • Dedicated Writer — given direct access to this writer, you’re able to ensure they understand your brand’s voice and ultimately become that extension to your team.
  • Dedicated Strategist — helps deliver a solid content marketing strategy based on SEO keyword research, target audience, and online goals.
  • Dedicated Account Manager — makes your life easier by streamlining communication from your team and keeping on track with topic generation for the editorial calendar.
  • Content Workflow Platform — provides a central hub for your team to approve and retrieve written content, access monthly editorial calendar, as well as review monthly analytics reporting.

If your brand is serious about effectively and consistently creating content but needs external support, understand your options and the time and investment needed for each. You’ll quickly find out why making the bigger investment will help your digital marketing team out more in the long run.

Originally published at Brandpoint.



Brandpoint Content Marketing

Brandpoint is a full-service, industry-leading content marketing agency. We operate in 3 core practice areas that address the continuum of content marketing.