Three Ways a Content Marketing Strategy Can Help Your Business Succeed

Brandpoint Content Marketing
2 min readJun 7, 2012

We’re always talking to potential clients about how our content marketing services can drive more traffic to their websites, help build lasting relationships and also increase sales. We know that blogs, website content, or email marketing can have a powerful impact on the bottom line, but it’s understandable that small-business owners, and even big company CEO’s are hesitant when it comes to budgeting for something they might be unfamiliar with. If you’re wondering about how a content strategy can help build your brand, here some things to consider.

Brand awareness

You could have the best product or service in your field, but if no one knows your company exists, quality will be pointless. Online content marketing can help you create awareness for your company and brand. Unlike advertising, which overtly sells your product or service, online content marketing such as feature articles, blogs and social media can be a subtle way to raise awareness of who you are and what your company does. Rather than deliver a specific sales message, content marketing can keep your company front-of-mind, so that when a customer is ready to spend, they’ll think of you first. Feature articles, like those distributed by Brandpoint, a content marketing services provider, can be particularly powerful for raising public awareness and enhancing your search engine optimization efforts.

Broaden your customer base through SEO

Online content marketing opportunities are constantly evolving opening up new possibilities every day for getting your message out to new markets. One important part of this is the content that’s available on your website. Optimized content, whether it’s on your homepage, your corporate blog or another section of your site, will help ensure that search engines can find and deliver your website to interested potential customers who may have never heard of you before. The amount of information available on the web is immense; the right SEO content on your site will push your company to the top of an online search.

Strengthens bonds with customers

Loyal customers often require an incentive for remaining loyal. Online content marketing can help provide that motivation. For example, offering followers of your blog a special discount or emailing a coupon to current customers who sign up online can do more than just boost sales. It can reward current customers, let them know their loyalty is appreciated and make them more inclined to stay loyal.

Originally published at Brandpoint.



Brandpoint Content Marketing

Brandpoint is a full-service, industry-leading content marketing agency. We operate in 3 core practice areas that address the continuum of content marketing.