How to earn money with brand sponsorships on Instagram [Article]

David Duncan
BrandSnob Spotlight
4 min readJun 28, 2017

So you have built a strong following on Instagram that love what you share and hang out for every post you make. Well that audience relationship you have carefully built is worth real money!

Becoming an Instagram influencer is not simple.

Becoming an influencer is not simple. It takes a lot of dedicated work posting about the things you love or are passionate about. It’s sharing your life in a way that engages with others so they want to follow you and be there when you share something else. If you have the drive and passion to create amazing content and the social media world falls in love with what you are sharing, you now fit into the elite ranks of being an influencer.

Brands are now turning away from traditional advertising and looking for influencers that can help them share their story to the wide world of mobile consumers. These consumers are more likely to engage with content from a someone they know and can relate to. This puts brands that actively work with influencers in a vastly better position than their competitors, who are still trying to reach customers through traditional advertising.

As an influencer the opportunity exists to connect with brands you feel an affinity for and share their product or service to your followers in exchange for compensation.

BrandSnob helps Influencers earn more with Brand Sponsorships. BrandSnob has made it simple for you to get paid for creating amazing content and doing what you love to do.

Here are 5 tips from BrandSnob on what influencers should do when working with brands:

1. Be authentic! Always work with brands you feel you have a strong affinity with. You have built your followers up by sharing with them content you are passionate about. They will notice if you choose to post about a product that clearly does not fit your image. Building an loyal audience is difficult, you don’t want to loose them!

2. Be creative! Share your creative ideas on the content you will create for them and let the brand know the extra length you will go to to get the photo or video post right for them. Brands weigh this information heavily when selecting influencers to work with. Putting that extra effort into your offer to the brand will help you justify a higher rate, stand out from the crowd and earn more money.

3. Be responsive! Once you’ve found the right brand be responsive in your communications with them. Brands hate nothing more than influencers that say they will post for them then don’t follow through in a timely manner. If you are busy then clearly communicate with the brand a realistic time frame for you to complete the job. If there are any hold ups along the way, let them know. Most brands will be happy to accommodate changes as long as you are keeping them in the loop.

4. Don’t be lazy! To the brand your post and it’s results are a big part of what makes their brand succeed or fail. They are passionate about their product and want their influencers to share the same level of excitement they have. If you want to work with the brand again, make sure the content you create for them is high quality, authentic and engaging. Brands love it when they can see the influencer has really put in the effort.

5. Remember you are your own brand! The content you create and post about is your product, so if you make sure you produce great photo and video content for brands you are in effect building your own brand and guaranteeing better future earnings more brand endorsements.

Stick with these principles and the brands out there are sure to love you as much as your followers do, and your earning potential will skyrocket.

In this video Dominique, Rachel and Laura Brooker workout showing you how simple it is to find great brands on BrandSnob and make them an offer.

For Brands:
BrandSnob makes booking influencers simple. Create a campaign in minutes and receive offers from influencers that match your brand.

With one tap compare and book the best value influencers on BrandSnob. No booking fees or charges for Brands.

Check out Dominique, Rachel and Laura’s Instagram:

For more information:

Marketing contact: Rachel Brooker

You can download the app here:



David Duncan
BrandSnob Spotlight

Co Founder of Influencer Marketplace - BrandSnob. Love the intensity of turning an idea into reality. Surfing, scuba, mountain climbing, ski paddling...Dad.