How Brands Can Use Instagram’s Hyperlapse to Create Beautiful Content

Mo Seetubtim
Build Your Tribe, Build Your Brand 
4 min readAug 26, 2014


Creating beautiful videos usually require a lot of things put together — the right producer, the right lighting as well as tripods and expensive equipment.

Since the launch of Instagram, beautiful photos have never been made easier. Cool videos can be created in short instances without having to take a few different videos and use video editing tools to edit them — from Photoshop, to Lightroom, iMovie, and many more.

Sometimes we wish that we could instantly capture the beautiful picture our eyes are witnessing as we see it — be it a gorgeous beach and its glowing sea, a stunning sunset behind tall buildings and traffic lights, a playground with little cute kids running around.

Now you can easily capture something beautiful on the spur of the moment and create a time-lapse video with Hyperlapse.

Using Instagram’s in-house stabilization, Hyperlapse shoots polished time lapse videos that were previously impossible without bulky tripods and expensive equipment.

Are you nervous or excited about this new toy and what you can do for your brand to engage with your target audience and your fans?

Here are a few suggestions.

1. Scenario and Experience Videos

Showcase through videos the vibe and the environment in your store, cafe, restaurant, or bar. From the minute a customer enters the door to the minute they find a seat, place an order, eat, drink, talk, interact, laugh, and smile. Sixteen seconds on Instagram are too short to capture everything but with Hyperlapse you can now capture more and show more with less.

Use this to really show the ‘experience’ — how would a person feel in your cafe, restaurant, or bar.

2. Demonstration Videos

How-To videos can be long. People don’t have time to sit through a 10-minute video demonstrating how to cook Green Curry, how to put smokey-eyes makeup on, or how to get a chewing gum of their shoe. Sometimes people want to go from the starting point to the finishing line without all the juicy details.

Using Hyperlapse, you can create demonstration videos that capture more attention as it doesn’t require ten minutes to watch and wait for the video to buffer or load anymore. When the objective of your marketing campaign is not to educate people but to inspire and entertain, time-lapse demonstration videos can be a great tool to grab people’s attention and inspire them.

3. Funny Videos

You know what I’m talking about — those funny videos with funny dances, talks, acts, laughter, or whatever else. They always go viral!

With Hyperlapse, you can turn a Bubble-Butt dance into something that is even more hilarious. Instead of just one, you can now capture three people — one after another — doing Gangnam Style dance.

Is your brand a youth brand and your marketing objective is to build relevancy, brand awareness, and to engage with your target audience? Use Hyperlapse to create funny videos.

4. Party & Clubbing Videos

We sometimes Snapchat our friends the vibe of the nightclub we’re in and how good the DJ’s set is. We take videos but it takes too much space and it’s too long to capture the whole song. With Hyperlapse, you can now condense a long moment into one tight video. You don’t need to have all the heavy equipments with you — just your phone and your self having a good time.

Artists, DJs, promoters, record labels, and nightclub owners can now use this to share experience to the new generation with short attention span.

5. Travel Videos

Travel videos are probably the ones that can benefit from Hyperlapse the most. The quality of the video might not be as high as the one filmed by a proper camera and a tripod, but the fun is to be shared and improvisation is needed here.

Travel photos on Instagram are all inspiring and beautiful. Photographers have learned to use Instagram to take breathtaking photos that look as if they’re taken by a DSLR. I am excited to see more time-lapse videos being created and shared around the web. More people can now create beautiful time-lapse videos with much less hassle and technical know-how.

Are you inspired to take a few time-lapse videos now?

This article was originally published on

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Mo is the founder, writer, and creative director of and a writer for The Huffington Post & Thought Catalog.

She’s currently working on her first book and has an online store selling inspirational posters, canvas, home decor, and tees!

Connect on Facebook / Twitter / Instagram /Pinterest.



Mo Seetubtim
Build Your Tribe, Build Your Brand 

I am the creator of The Happiness Planner. I design personal development tools and resources that empower you to feel happy, whole, and fulfilled from within.