Donald Trump or Joe Biden: Which brand stands taller?

Jared DeLuna
Published in
4 min readJun 24, 2024
Joe Biden and Donald Trump

The personal brands of Donald Trump and Joe Biden, the 45th and 46th Presidents of the United States, respectively, have significantly influenced global perceptions and political landscapes. Both have distinct personal brands, shaped by their careers, political ideologies, and public personas. This article explores the key elements of their brands and evaluates which one holds more global value.

Donald Trump’s Personal Brand

1. Business Mogul: Before his presidency, Donald Trump was widely known as a real estate tycoon and television personality. His brand was synonymous with luxury, wealth, and success, largely due to his ownership of Trump-branded properties and his role in the reality TV show “The Apprentice.”

2. Populist Leader: Trump’s political brand is characterized by his populist rhetoric. His “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) slogan and promises to drain the swamp resonated with many Americans who felt disenfranchised by traditional politics. His direct communication style, often via Twitter, reinforced his image as a leader who bypasses conventional media channels.

3. Controversy and Polarization: Trump’s brand is also marked by controversy. His blunt and often provocative statements, policies on immigration, trade, and foreign relations, and handling of crises like the COVID-19 pandemic have made him a polarizing figure. His brand thrives on strong emotional reactions, both positive and negative.

4. International Businessman: Globally, Trump’s brand has a significant recognition factor due to his international business ventures. However, his foreign policy decisions, such as withdrawing from the Paris Agreement and renegotiating trade deals, have also shaped international perceptions, often leading to mixed reviews.

You can check out earlier articles here and here about Donald Trump.

In 2023, Donald Trump’s organization brought in $655 million and his media (Trump Media) brought in an additional $4 million. Through Donald Trump’s vast real estate empire — the businessman turned politician brought in another $1 billion. According to BrandValuer Trump’s brand is worth an estimated $6.4 billion.

Donald Trump’s brand worth estimated by BrandValuer

Joe Biden’s Personal Brand

1. Experienced Politician: Joe Biden’s brand is built on his long tenure in politics. With decades of experience as a senator and vice president under Barack Obama, Biden is seen as a seasoned politician who understands the workings of government.

2. Empathy and Unity: Biden’s political messaging focuses on empathy, unity, and healing a divided nation. His campaign and presidency have emphasized restoring the “soul of America,” appealing to voters seeking stability and a return to traditional political norms.

3. Moderate and Pragmatic: Biden’s brand is that of a centrist Democrat, advocating for pragmatic solutions and bipartisanship. His approach to policy is seen as less radical than some of his Democratic counterparts, which appeals to moderate and swing voters.

4. Diplomatic Approach: Internationally, Biden’s brand benefits from his diplomatic approach. His commitment to re-engage with global institutions and allies, rejoin the Paris Agreement, and lead a multilateral effort on issues like climate change and the pandemic restoration has garnered positive reception.

In 2023, the President and his wife released their tax statements and revealed that they made a combined $620k in income if we add this to the real estate that he currently owns — which comes to about $7 million, according to BrandValuer Biden’s brand is worth an estimated $1.4 million

Biden brand worth estimation from BrandValuer

Global Value Comparison

1. Recognition and Influence: Trump’s brand enjoys high recognition globally due to his business ventures and controversial presidency. His ability to dominate media cycles and social media gives him a potent, albeit polarizing, presence worldwide. Biden’s brand, while also globally recognized, is seen as more stable and diplomatic, aligning with traditional American leadership values.

2. Economic Impact: Trump’s brand has substantial economic impact through his business dealings and the global media attention he garners. Biden’s brand, while less tied to business, has economic implications through his policy decisions, particularly in trade and climate agreements.

3. Political Impact: Trump’s brand has had a significant impact on global populist movements, inspiring similar leaders in other countries. Biden’s brand, conversely, is seen as a return to multilateralism and diplomatic norms, impacting international relations and cooperation.

4. Public Perception: Trump’s brand elicits strong emotions, leading to a polarized global perception. Supporters view him as a strong, unorthodox leader, while critics see him as divisive and unpredictable. Biden’s brand, emphasizing empathy and unity, generally garners a more favorable view among international audiences seeking stability and collaboration.


In terms of sheer recognition and the ability to influence global conversations, Donald Trump’s personal brand may be considered more potent due to its polarizing and media-dominating nature. However, Joe Biden’s brand, characterized by diplomacy, empathy, and stability, holds significant value in fostering international cooperation and a positive perception of American leadership.

Ultimately, the value of each brand depends on the lens through which it is viewed: Trump’s brand is impactful in its disruption and directness, while Biden’s brand is valuable for its stability and traditional diplomacy. Both brands play crucial roles on the global stage, reflecting different facets of American identity and leadership.

