Ancient AI: The Origins of Artificial Intelligence in Human Design

Gary Gervais
Brass For Brain
Published in
5 min readSep 5, 2023

The concept of artificial intelligence is not a recent phenomenon. Its roots trace back to ancient civilizations where the concept of “automatons”, mechanical devices capable of independent movement, were conceived. These early inventions were a testament to humanity’s age-old fascination with mimicking life and intelligence. As we traverse back to 400 BCE, we find records of a mechanical pigeon, a creation attributed to a friend of the philosopher Plato, marking one of the earliest endeavors in the field of artificial intelligence.

The 20th Century: The Birthplace of Modern AI

The 20th century marked a resurgence in the interest in artificial intelligence, fueled by advancements in science and technology. The media and scientific community began to seriously contemplate the creation of an artificial brain. This period saw the birth of the term “robot”, coined in a Czech play in 1921, encapsulating the concept of artificial beings. The world witnessed the creation of the first Japanese robot, Gakutensoku, in 1929, a marvel of its time, and the publication of “Giant Brains, or Machines that Think” by Edmund Callis Berkley in 1949, a work that drew parallels between burgeoning computer models and the human brain.

The Golden Era of AI: 1950s to 1980s

The 1950s ushered in the golden era of AI, characterized by an exponential growth in interest and research in the field. Alan Turing, a prominent figure of this period, introduced “Computer Machinery and Intelligence” in 1950, proposing a revolutionary test of machine intelligence called The Imitation Game. This era also saw the coining of the term “artificial intelligence” during a workshop held by John McCarthy at Dartmouth in 1955, a term that would come to define the future of technology.

This golden era witnessed a flurry of activity and groundbreaking developments in AI research. The creation of programming languages like LISP, the development of the first expert systems, and the advent of autonomous vehicles marked this period. Notable milestones include the creation of the first “chatterbot”, ELIZA, in 1966, a program capable of conversing with humans using natural language processing, and the establishment of the American Association of Artificial Intelligence (now AAAI) in 1979.

The AI Winter: A Period of Reflection and Regrouping

However, every boom is followed by a period of decline, and AI was no exception. The late 1980s marked the onset of the AI winter, a period characterized by diminished interest and funding for AI research. This phase saw setbacks in the machine market and expert systems, leading to a reassessment of the direction and goals of AI research. Despite the challenges, this period served as a time of reflection and regrouping, setting the stage for the resurgence of AI in the coming years.

The Resurgence: AI Agents and the Modern Era

Emerging from the AI winter, the early 90s heralded a new beginning for AI research. This period saw significant strides in AI, including the development of AI systems capable of defeating world champion chess players and the introduction of AI into everyday life through innovations like Roomba and Siri. The resurgence was marked by a renewed interest and funding in AI research, paving the way for further progress and innovations.

The modern era has witnessed a surge in the use of AI tools in various applications, including virtual assistants and search engines. Recent developments include advancements in deep learning and big data, with AI becoming an integral part of our daily lives. Notable milestones include the creation of Sophia, the first “robot citizen” by Hanson Robotics in 2016, and the development of DALL-E by OpenAI in 2021, a program capable of understanding and captioning images accurately.

The Future: Uncharted Territories and Boundless Possibilities

As we stand on the cusp of a new era, we find ourselves pondering the future of AI. While it is impossible to predict the future with absolute certainty, we can make educated guesses based on the current trajectory of AI research. The future promises further integration of AI into various sectors, transforming the workforce and ushering in a new era of automation and robotics.

The journey of AI is far from over. As we venture into uncharted territories, we can expect to witness groundbreaking developments and innovations, pushing the boundaries of what is possible and redefining our understanding of intelligence and autonomy. The future holds boundless possibilities, and the adventure is just beginning.

In conclusion, the history of artificial intelligence is a rich tapestry of human ingenuity and perseverance, a journey that spans centuries and promises an exhilarating future. As we continue to explore the realms of AI, we stand at the threshold of a new frontier, ready to unlock the secrets of artificial intelligence and usher in a new era of technological advancements and discoveries. The voyage of AI is a testament to the human spirit, a journey of exploration and discovery, promising a future filled with boundless opportunities and potentials. Let us embark on this exciting journey together, as we delve deeper into the fascinating world of artificial intelligence, a voyage that promises to redefine our understanding of technology and the very essence of life itself.

Now, let’s integrate the latest developments from OpenAI in 2023. According to recent reports, OpenAI has reached significant milestones this year. The organization witnessed a tremendous increase in traffic in April 2023, indicating a growing interest and reliance on AI technologies (source). Furthermore, OpenAI has been at the forefront of generative AI projects, with GPT-3 continuing to be a significant player in the field of natural language processing (source). Moreover, OpenAI has recently launched GPT-4, a more advanced version of its predecessor, showcasing improvements in artificial intelligence software (source).

As we look forward to the future, we can anticipate OpenAI continuing to lead the charge in AI research and development, pushing the boundaries of what is possible and paving the way for a future where AI integrates seamlessly into various aspects of our daily lives. The journey of AI is a thrilling adventure, and with organizations like OpenAI at the helm, the future looks bright and promising.

