When Machines Join the Dance: The Dawn of Symbiotic Creation

Daniele Nanni
Brass For Brain
Published in
5 min readJun 2, 2023
Creative Ascension — Me x Midjourney, June 2023

Creation is not just a mere act; it is the pure expression of our potential and imagination. It’s an attribute so powerful and unique that it has often been associated with the divine.

Mythologies around the world attribute the act of creation to gods, imbuing it with a sense of reverence and awe. This is perhaps best epitomized in the Greek myth of Prometheus.

Prometheus, a Titan god, defied the gods by stealing fire from Olympus and giving it to humanity. This single act of creation, the gift of fire, symbolizes the spark of knowledge and innovation. It brought about a transformative change in human civilization, equipping humans with the ability to craft, to forge, to cook , to create. Prometheus paid a heavy price for his defiance, but his gift to humanity marked a significant milestone in our journey as creators.

Now, as we evolve and develop machines that not only assist us but also engage in creative processes themselves, we could be seen as standing at a Prometheus-like precipice.

Just as fire was a tool that significantly advanced human civilization, AI and generative models are modern tools that hold the promise of fundamentally transforming our world.

For centuries, machines have been our faithful assistants in the creative endeavour. They’ve allowed us to create faster, more efficiently, reducing our manual work and saving precious time and energy.

Be it the power looms during the industrial revolution or the sophisticated 3D printers of today, machines have enhanced our productivity, making the creation process smoother and easier.

But the scenario is rapidly evolving.

Today, machines are stepping beyond their traditional roles of assisting and automating. They’re joining us in the realm of creativity, a domain we’ve long considered to be exclusively human.

They’re participating in tasks that require emotional engagement and imaginative thinking, elements we’ve believed to be unique to our species.

Now, we see machines ‘creating’; generating artifacts that are traditionally ‘human’ such as artworks, animations, articles, white papers and so on.

They’re not just matching our cognitive efficiency, but often surpassing us in precision and, as some argue, even creativity.

This suggests that the fruits of our intellect and creativity, which once set the benchmark, are now being rivaled, and sometimes surpassed, by our own creations: the machines.

Understandably, this transition is drawing diverse reactions.

There’s a section of people who are apprehensive, even disturbed, by this shift. AI-Pessimists see machines crossing into human territory and it unsettles them. Their concerns extend beyond just the erosion of traditionally human domains, some question the very foundations upon which these machine capabilities are built.

A critical contention is that the data and content these machines learn from have been authored by humans. The books, the articles, the music, the images; all of these are fruits of human creativity and intellect. Some AI-Pessimists tend to liken this to a kind of intellectual property theft. These companies, in their eyes, are capitalizing on human creativity without providing due credit or compensation.

Some AI-Pessimists assert that while the machines may generate new content, the raw materials for these creations have been, in a sense, ‘borrowed’ from human authors without their explicit consent or remuneration. This aspect adds another layer of complexity to the debate, highlighting the need for comprehensive discussions on ethics, copyright, and fair compensation in the age of AI and generative models.

Others take a more dismissive stance, downplaying the impact of these advancements (the AI-Sceptics). They believe it’s not a significant concern, at least not in the near future.

Yet, there’s a third group of people who are embracing this change with great enthusiasm (the AI-Optimists). They see this fusion of human and machine creativity as a catalyst for a new era of prosperity. They envision a future where humans and machines collaborate, combining our respective strengths to yield outcomes that were previously unimaginable. They foresee a world where our creative potential is amplified by machines, leading to new heights in innovation and productivity.

In my very own opinion, I believe that as of today, in 2023, the evolution of AI cognitive architectures and generative models is not just a reality, it’s an inevitability.

It’s a wave that’s been set in motion and is now unstoppable.

As we witness this unfolding revolution, we need to start rethinking some of our most deeply held beliefs — particularly, the notion that creativity is the exclusive domain of humans.

Even if the creativity displayed by machines is a result of Machine Learning algorithms and not the spark of a living consciousness, the resulting output is still an artifact of creation that may bring value to the real world.
Do we really know what consciousness is after all?

Is it the exclusive property of biological beings or could it exist in different forms in our silicon counterparts? While we may not have definitive answers to these questions, one thing is clear: the lines between human and machine creativity are blurring, and we are standing on the brink of a future where the process of creation becomes a collaborative dance between humans and machines.

Thus, we stand at an epoch-making crossroads in the long chronicle of creation.

The seeds of ideas shall continue to spring from the fertile grounds of human minds, yet the final product will be the result of an unprecedented symbiosis between the intellect of man and the synthetic brain of our mechanized counterparts.

This process shall unfurl like a grand fire dance, a sequence of constant flux and transformation, a spectacle of birth and rebirth.

With each iteration, the artifact shall be imbued with a newer form, a different essence, shaped not only by human hands but also by the impersonal yet insightful touch of synthetic intelligence.
The end product shall no longer bear the hallmark of solely human or machine, but a harmonious amalgamation of both.

In its ultimate form, the artifact shall carry the distinct impressions of this unique collaboration, a testimony to this profound union of human aspiration and synthetic perspicacity.

It shall stand tall as a beacon, casting its illuminating glow over our path, guiding us into a brave new age of symbiotic creation.

- From the Chronicles of the Synthetic Age

As we stand at this fascinating intersection of human and machine creativity, the questions are plenty.

How will this partnership evolve? What new forms of artifacts will this collaboration yield? How will society adapt to this new paradigm? How will the regulator respond?

The answers lie ahead in our journey into this new age of creativity.

But as we venture into this exciting and unknown future, it’s worth remembering the myth of Prometheus: with great creative power comes great consequences.



Daniele Nanni
Brass For Brain

Developing Neo-Cybernetics to empower humanity. Exploring AI's impact on our world.