Do you have anywhere else you have to be? Yes.

A selection of entrepreneurial online events happening in the week of April 20 to April 24.

Zeinab E.
Brass Tacks
2 min readApr 22, 2020


Tyler Callahan — Unsplash

Visit Eventbrite, and you are automatically shown online events happening around the world. Virtual meetups do not offer the same experience as in-person events, but given that everyone is hosting online, we are able to attend functions from around the world — something which we would have otherwise not been able to do. Here are some of the events, covering entrepreneurial topics, happening next week:

April 20th: How to Pitch to an Investment Panel @ CSUF Startup Incubator

April 21st: Managing Change in Crisis

April 22nd: Side Hustle Starter Kit Online Training

April 23rd: Finding a New Normal — How to Invest in Uncertain Times

April 24th: The Entrepreneurial Leader Mindset in Amidst COVID (Workshop 1 of 5)

