Paint the Wall With Pain

Life isn’t always a pretty picture; paint it anyway.

Gretchen Lee Bourquin


Find the place the scar lies and pick the scab. No brushes are needed. Find the loose thread on the stitches. Pull. Slowly. This may hurt. Or fast if you prefer. Like a bandaid. One quick motion.

Do you feel better? No? I didn’t think so. Reach inside. Wipe your hands on the walls. Swirl into shapes. Flowers, trees, hearts. Swords to slay your dragons, your monsters, your own evil twin. Sometimes you have to lose yourself again and again before you can be found.

See that bucket beside you? You’ve collected your tears. Throw it there. Against the wall. Wash it all away. Not enough? Cry. Rinse. Repeat.

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Gretchen Lee Bourquin obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Literature/Creative Writing. She’s enjoying the opportunity that Medium provides to get a little more personal and put the creativity back in her writing. Follow on my Facebook Writing Page, Twitter, or Wordpress

