How to Price your Freelance Design Services

Sam Taylor
Brave People /Tribe
4 min readMar 27, 2024

Let’s be honest, on of the hardest decisions you’ll make as a freelance designer is how much you will charge clients for your services. It isn’t easy, but it isn’t impossible either. Plus, it’s an extremely critical part of your business model. Striking a balance between being competitive in the market and valuing your expertise can be challenging.

In this blog, we’ll unravel the confusion of pricing your freelance graphic design services, offering insights and strategies to help you set rates that reflect both your skills and the value you bring to your clients.

Know Your Worth and Value Your Skills

Understanding your worth is the first step in establishing a pricing strategy. Consider your level of expertise, education, and the unique skills you bring to the table. Because let’s face it, not all designers are equal — your unique experiences are something to take into consideration.

Evaluate how your designs contribute to the success of your clients’ projects. By recognizing the value of your work, you lay the foundation for a pricing structure that reflects your skills and the impact you make through your designs.

Research Market Rates and Competitors

Conduct thorough market research to gauge the going rates for freelance graphic design services in your niche and geographic location. Explore the pricing structures of your competitors, keeping in mind their experience and the services they offer. While it’s essential to be competitive, avoid undervaluing your services. Aim for a pricing range that aligns with industry standards while accounting for the uniqueness and quality of your work.

You can look at rates on sites like Upwork, Contra, or Toptal!

Consider Time, Scope, and Additional Services

When determining your pricing, factor in the time and effort required for each project. Assess the scope of work, including the complexity of the design, the number of revisions expected, and any additional services you may provide (such as consultations, file preparation, or project management). Clearly outline the terms of your services in your proposals or contracts to avoid misunderstandings and scope creep that can affect your bottom line.

Offer Tiered Packages and Flexible Options

To cater to a diverse client base, consider offering tiered packages or flexible pricing options. This allows clients to choose a package that best aligns with their needs and budget. Tiered packages can include different levels of service, such as basic design, premium design with unlimited revisions, or additional deliverables like source files. By providing options, you make your services more accessible while accommodating clients with varying requirements.

The choice between hourly rates, project-based rates, and value-based rates is a crucial decision for freelancers, including graphic designers, and it depends on various factors. Here’s a breakdown of each pricing model:

Hourly Rate:

Charging clients based on the number of hours spent on a project.


  • Transparent for both the client and the freelancer, as they pay for the actual time worked.
  • Provides a steady and predictable income for the freelancer.


  • Clients may perceive this as paying for time rather than results.
  • May not reflect the true value of a freelancer’s expertise or efficiency.

Project-Based Rate:

Quoting a fixed fee for an entire project, regardless of the time spent.


  • Predictable costs for clients, making budgeting easier.
  • Encourages efficiency, as freelancers are incentivized to complete projects quickly.


  • If the scope of the project changes, the freelancer may need to renegotiate the fee.
  • The freelancer bears the risk of underestimated time or unexpected challenges.

Value-Based Rate:

Determining the price based on the perceived value of the service to the client.


  • Aligns the freelancer’s compensation with the impact their work has on the client’s business.
  • Allows freelancers to capture the value of their expertise and the outcomes they deliver.


  • Requires a clear understanding of the client’s goals and the potential impact of the freelancer’s work.
  • Establishing the perceived value may be subjective and challenging.

Choosing the Right Model:

Nature of the Work:

  • For routine or standardized tasks, hourly rates may be suitable.
  • Project-based rates work well for well-defined projects with clear scope.
  • Value-based rates are ideal when the freelancer’s work directly influences the client’s business outcomes.

Client Relationship:

  • If the client prefers cost predictability, project-based or hourly rates may be more appealing.
  • For clients focused on the value and impact of the work, a value-based approach can be compelling.

Experience and Expertise:

  • More experienced freelancers with specialized skills may lean towards value-based pricing.
  • Beginners might find hourly rates more straightforward as they build their expertise.

Ultimately, the key is to align the chosen pricing model with the nature of the work, the client’s expectations, and the freelancer’s experience. Some freelancers even use a combination of these models, adapting based on the unique requirements of each project. Regularly reassessing and adjusting your pricing strategy as you gain experience and your portfolio grows is also a wise approach.

Pricing your freelance graphic design services is both an art and a science. It requires a deep understanding of your own value, research into market rates, consideration of project scope, and flexibility in your offerings. Remember that your pricing strategy is not set in stone; it can evolve as you gain experience and reputation in the industry.

By approaching pricing with a strategic mindset and valuing your skills appropriately, you’ll not only ensure fair compensation for your work but also foster long-term, mutually beneficial relationships with your clients.

And be sure to follow along on TikTok + Instagram for more fun design content!

