Strategies to Land Your First Design Client

Sam Taylor
Brave People /Tribe
4 min readFeb 14, 2024

The thing that most people are worried about when breaking into the freelance world: how the heck am I going to land my first client? I get it, with no prior experience, it can be especially hard to think about building a portfolio, gaining a perspective client's trust, and locking in a client. However, everyone starts somewhere — specifically with no experience.

In this blog, we’ll explore practical tips to help you secure your first design client, laying the foundation for a successful and fulfilling design career.

Building a Strong Portfolio

Your portfolio is like your virtual business card — but more impressive. Before seeking your first client, ensure that your portfolio showcases a diverse range of your best work. And At this moment, you are probably thinking to yourself “How do I build a robust portfolio without any prior experience or clients?” The good thing for you there are a few avenues to explore:

  1. Redesign your favorite brands: if your favorite brands have subway ads, or product packaging designs that are not your favorite, you have the power to create mock-projects” — fake projects that have the potential to show your skill set.
  2. Use brief generators: brief generators prompt you with fake briefs that you can then use to create your designs. Check out Fake Clients or Good Brief for prompts!

Then, make sure to tailor your portfolio to reflect the type of design services you want to offer, emphasizing projects that align with your target clients’ needs. Quality matters more than quantity, so focus on presenting a few standout pieces that demonstrate your skills and creativity. A compelling portfolio acts as a visual testament to your abilities, making it a powerful tool for attracting your first design client.

Building Relationships + An Online Presence

While you may be resistant to creating social media channels or repositioning the ones you currently have to focus on design work or building design connections, you may need to reassess this resistance. Building relationships is a cornerstone of finding clients in any industry, and the design world is no exception. Attend local design events, join online communities, and engage with fellow designers and potential clients on social media platforms. Establishing a strong online presence through platforms like Behance, LinkedIn, or even your own website can significantly increase your visibility. Share your work, participate in discussions, and don’t underestimate the power of word-of-mouth referrals that often stem from a robust network.

Offering Deals for First Time Clients

When starting out, consider offering your design services at a discounted rate. Now, this is a slippery slope, because you never want to feel taken advtange of. But let’s say you have a potential client in the pipeline that could possibly work with you — this could be the thing that makes them stick. This can be an effective way to build your portfolio, gain practical experience, and establish a track record of successful projects. Just ensure that the projects align with your goals and provide meaningful experience.

Where to build your portfolio:

Crafting a Compelling Pitch

Once you’ve identified potential clients or projects, it’s time to craft a compelling pitch. You’ve probably heard of people saying the term “elevator pitch” — this is essentially the skills/experience you have, packaged in a short and concise 1–2 sentence pitch that you can use whenever new opportunities arise. In your pitch, you clearly articulate what sets you apart, emphasizing the value you bring to the client’s project. Tailor your pitch to address the specific needs of the client, demonstrating that you’ve done your research and understand their objectives. A well-crafted pitch not only showcases your professionalism but also increases your chances of standing out among other designers vying for the same opportunity.

Securing your first design client is a pivotal moment in your career journey. By building a strong portfolio, actively networking, offering pro bono or low-cost services to gain experience, and crafting compelling pitches, you can increase your chances of landing that first client and setting the stage for future success. Remember, persistence and a proactive approach are key. Celebrate small victories along the way, learn from every experience, and let the process of acquiring your first client be a stepping stone toward a rewarding and thriving design career.

Be sure to follow along our Instagram and TikTok for more design tips coming your way!

