【Finalized】[from 26th Mar. 1 pm] New Unit Spotlight(Fifth Unit Sale)

BFH dev
2 min readMar 23, 2020

We would like to introduce the third unit sale information that started at 1 pm on 26th Mar.

<Sales period>


[UTC] Mar 26th 1:00 pm —Apr 7th 5:00 am
※First 3days is available for Prime Members only.


[UTC] Mar 26th 1:00 pm — Apr 14th 5:00 am


Epic Unit

Third sale unit:2types × 250
Initial Price:2210 ZEL

Rare Unit

Third sale unit:2types × 500
Initial Price:820 ZEL

Uncommon Unit

Third sale unit:2types × 1000
Initial Price:451 ZEL

Level Cap-70, and +8 for the stamina cap

Uncommon units are very useful, especially in the quest. You can try the higher-level quest with them. Compared to Novice Units, they are very strong. Recommend to use them for beginners who start this game.

※These are Level max Basic status.

<Sale System>

Stock-linked Dutch Auction

Detail of Stock-linked Dutch Auction is here

※Some variables are changed from this sale. Please note that.

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※Contents are subject to change


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