Bravo Studio’s April Update: New Features and Enhancements

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4 min readMay 4, 2023

This article highlights the latest features and updates added to Bravo Studio in April. Learn how Bravo Studio is making it easier for app builders all over the world to turn their Figma designs into native mobile apps without coding.

Bravo Studio has been making waves in the no-code app development community, and April was no exception. This month, we released several updates and enhancements that are designed to make our platform even more powerful and user-friendly.

New features


Users can now take advantage of the benefits of NFC technology, such as reading content from an API call while using an NFC tag or similar. Learn more here.

Replace Figma file feature

You can now link your app to another Figma file while maintaining your existing bindings. This will enable you to have several use cases, like having one app for production and another for development, or test new features in a separate app version. Additionally, you can now duplicate our sample app Figma files and make them your own! Watch the tutorial here.

UI presets

Additionally, this month we introduced a series of UI presets that are designed to simplify the process of building your Bravo app. With our pre-configured Bravo tags in all the right places, all you need to do is copy and paste the page to your Figma design, and you’re good to go. Then, customize the style to make it your own and add a personal touch. It’s that easy! Check them out here.

Preview Selector

We’re excited to announce that our new and improved Edit View now offers an enhanced preview selector. This feature enables you to easily select design elements directly on the central image, significantly streamlining your binding process. With this updated functionality, you can now work more efficiently and seamlessly than ever before.

Authentication with custom backend

We’ve made significant improvements to our custom login feature, making it easier for users to create register pages and post-login actions with Xano

To explore these enhanced features, simply check out our documentation on how it works, and connect your Xano login to your Bravo app with ease. Connect your Custom Login


Free guidance sessions now included in premium plans

We’re now offering a free onboarding guidance session to all those who upgrade to our Advanced or Business plans. This is the perfect opportunity for you to tell us about your app project so that we can help create the perfect strategy to get you moving!

To take advantage of this new offering, all you have to do is login to the Bravo platform, upgrade your app and we will get in touch to arrange your session. 🙌


Fergie is back with the next part of our Premium App tutorial series, this time covering how to set up Facebook event tracking for our Advanced and Business users. See the tutorial video here.

Also this month, our solutions partner DreamLabs was back with another fantastic tutorial. This video explains how to set up an API in Xano that allows you to use the Bravo Studio native bar chart feature. See it here.

Last month, we released a tutorial on how to build a Fitness app using Bravo Studio, Figma, and Xano. This app is now available as a sample app that you can duplicate and make your own!

And the best part? It’s not just limited to those building fitness apps — this sample app can be useful for anyone looking to create an app with similar features. Try sample app here.

User testimonials

Discover the inspiring stories of Wiseclock App and Metalized App — two apps that were created using Bravo Studio, Figma and Airtable.

