5 Blockchain Apps to Level-up Your Business

Bravuz Hire
Bravuz Hire
Published in
3 min readJun 12, 2018

As futurists, we believe that blockchain is leading the way in innovation with its decentralized network that establishes trust, autonomy and security over processes.

Implementing the most innovative technology in your business can be a game-changer in saving time, efficiency, quality of work and value.

But finding the right technology that’s going to add to your business and not takeaway is a challenge in itself. Lucky for you, we’ve done the research so you can pick, implement and get on with business.

So here they are : 5 Blockchain Apps you can implement now to level-up your business and step into the future.

  1. Employee Recruitment with Bravuz HireMatch : Finding the right talent is crucial for your company but it’s also one of the biggest challenges for businesses. The traditional approach of posting to a job-boards has become saturated un-screened candidates leaving you with having to-do the heavy lifting of sorting through under-qualified candidates, not to mention the overhead cost of using these platforms only to compete with companies who are also scouting for that top talent. Using Blockchain, we’ve taken a completely decentralized approach. Through our BravuzHirematch Platform, anyone can become a recruitment agent and utilize their social network and community to recruit the best candidates. The app is a decentralized platform where agents can source talent for jobs and get compensated through HIRE tokens. This open-source platform that’s accessible to anyone and creates a true community of the most talented professionals and recruiters, harnessing the security that smart-contracts.
  2. Cloud Storage with Storj : Your files, documents, videos and data are the meat and bones of your business and their security is of the utmost importance. Your current options are traditional cloud-sharing through Google, Dropbox which are not guaranteed in privacy and discrepancy. Storj has built a open-source cloud platform where only you have access to your data. Even payment methods are safe and secure, using smart-contracts to remove 3rd party intermediary, making storing your data safe and of the utmost security.
  3. Paying Employees with Bitwage : Nowadays, outsourcing talent to new companies creates for complicated ways of transferring salaries along with large fees on international transactions between countries. Even if your employees are local, you’re still relying on a 3rd party mediary that will inevitably be costly. Bitwage is eliminating these wooes by having created the first bit-coin based payroll service, circumventing costly international transaction fees and securing payments. Boom! Your employees are happy and paid on time without unnecessary fees.
  4. Supply-Chain Communication with Provenance : Customers these days, especially millennials, demand transparency with the products they’re buying. Provenance has built an open-source platform to put trust in their goods and supply chains by making them public and accessible to anyone. Engage your customers by giving them a behind-the-scenes look at where there product is sourced, built and distributed, creating not only transparency but also anticipation and storytelling around your product and brand. Use it to create content marketing around your brand and position yourself as the most authentic amongst your competitors.
  5. Electronic Voting with Bitshares : Making decisions within your company is one of the most important actions. Decision-making becomes even more complex when there are multiple stake-holders involved. That’s where Bitshares comes in. Using one of their tools called : Delegated Proof of Stake (DPOS) which is the fastest, most efficient, most decentralized, and most flexible consensus model available. DPOS leverages the power of stakeholder approval voting to resolve consensus issues in a fair and democratic way.

And there you have it! 5 Blockchain Apps that are breaking-ground and bringing the most innovative solutions to businesses. Pick and choose how to step into the future, the choice is yours.

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Bravuz Hire
Bravuz Hire

Bravuz Hire is a decentralized candidate-verifying hiring platform.