Harnessing the Power of Social Networks to Attract the Best Talent

Bravuz Hire
Bravuz Hire
Published in
2 min readJul 18, 2018

“Millennials are expected to make up 35% of the global workforce by 2020.” As a generation that values money and more importantly, a sense of purpose and a desire to make a positive contribution to the society, it makes sense to have a unique strategy to attract, retain and develop this talent.

The problem with that is that the current employee recruitment practices are not adapting to the new millennial workforce that demands a more streamlined, personal and transparent process.

A key trend we’re seeing is that millennials aren’t solely relying on traditional hiring boards to find a job but instead turn to their friends and social network for opportunities.

It seems however, that recruiters are still behind on this trend- but why?

For one, they don’t utilize the immense power of social networks. In a recent survey, “2018 is the year of game changers in the recruitment space. Global sourcing of candidates will become one of the huge trends that will continue to provide a competitive advantage to the recruiters.

Ultimately the key to hiring talent will fall on utilizing technology in the best possible manner to hire the best possible talent.

Here at Bravuz HireMatch, we took note of these trends and developments early on and are building the 1st blockchain based Hiring Platform in Europe that utilizes tokens to reward recruiters for sourcing the best candidates. Anyone can join our platform as a recruiter and use their personal social networks to recruit from their pool of friends, fellow alumni and colleagues.

This democratized way of searching for talent depends on the immense power of crowd-sourcing and the natural way that millennials share and communicate with one another.

Social networks are a dynamic way of sourcing for candidates. By using our personal social networks, we’re able to reach the best people in a much more organic and natural way.

What we’re tapping into is the mindset of the millennial generation who is known as the “sharing” generation. This means that if millennials are looking for a job, they’re that much more likely going to reach out to their network of friends and following this “crowdsourcing” mindset is how our platform will function, adapting to the mindset of the millennial generation which will soon makeup over half of the total workforce.

Change is inevitable, adapting is crucial — we’re proud to be creating solutions in connecting the best talent to the best companies. Join us!

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Bravuz Hire
Bravuz Hire

Bravuz Hire is a decentralized candidate-verifying hiring platform.