Why Talent Recruitment Depends on Blockchain

Bravuz Hire
Bravuz Hire
Published in
2 min readJun 12, 2018
Photo By Elyot on Unsplash

Blockchain is revolutionizing and disrupting system-processes across industries like pharmaceuticals, cross-border trading, financing and fashion.

In the fashion industry, “consumers can now see the full lifecycle of the garment with blockchain technology. Consumers are going from blind trust to a full understanding of the journey of that garment,” says Ajay Chidrawar, vice president of global product management and customer success at CGS. These changes make us wonder.

If blockchain can be used to go from blind trust in an industry to full understanding, where else is it needed to create this level of trust and transparency ?

Employee recruitment is one space that is lagging behind in innovation for both employers and candidates. According to Wasp Barcode’s annual State of Small Business Report, 50 percent of small businesses say hiring new employees is the top challenge they face in 2017. Of these small businesses More than half (52%) of are planning to hire in 2017.

For candidates, the current state of the recruitment process is also just as frustrating. In a survey conducted by KPMG, more than a third of the 400 respondents said they were annoyed by the length of the application process, quoting it to be “unnecessarily drawn out.”

If hiring the right talent is an essential yet most challenging aspect for a company, it’s clear that the transparency, trust and speed of Blockchain can provide the necessary innovation to exponentially improve talent recruitment process for both candidates and employers.

Here’s the good news, that’s exactly what we’ve done at Bravuz HireMatch

To alleviate the pain-points we have built a decentralized platform using blockchain where agents can source talent for jobs and get compensated through HIRE tokens. Through the BravuzHirematch platform, anyone can become a recruitment agent and utilizing their social network and community to recruit the best candidates.

The BravuzHireMatch platform offers a lower cost, higher speed to acquisition, a better overall quality of applicants. We’re thrilled to be leading a revolution in the recruitment agency and working with amazing partners like Uber, Sitel and Volkswagen that are in full support of our platform.

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Bravuz Hire
Bravuz Hire

Bravuz Hire is a decentralized candidate-verifying hiring platform.