Advice for Hosting a Successful Tech Talk

The low-down from our first Bravuz Event

3 min readJul 4, 2018


Our Speaker Albert Stepanyan giving his presentation about artificial intelligence

Last night we kicked-off our first Bravuz event from a new series we’re starting called The Latest in Tech. We all know that events are an amazing way to build a community around your company and get your audience interacting with your brand in an intimate way. Especially for startups, they can be incredibly valuable in giving you immediate feedback on how your company is perceived and valued, but just as well, they can be super tricky to plan, organize and execute.

For that reason, we wanted to share our experience from hosting our first Latest in Tech event, and with that give you some advice on how to make your event a success. Let’s dive in!

TIP #1 :

If your speakers are coming from out of city/country/continent make sure they arrive at least one day before they are giving their talk.

This gives you time to prepare and them to rest. (so important) It’s always nerve-wrecking to host an event due to the live factor but also more so when your speakers are coming from our of country. That’s exactly what we had to deal with just a day before our event, including several flight delays and the inevitable uncertainty of last-minute delays. Luckily in the end all was well!

TIP #2 :

Be flexible to changes.

It’s inevitable that things will go wrong. Make sure you are adaptable to these changes and everything will work out. With us, we realized that at the time we had the event planned, the community was still at their desks working. We delayed the event with half an hour and decided to skip the “coffee break” we in between presentations and leave it for last because our crowd was fully engaged and we didn’t want to lose them.

TIP #3 :

Have a back-up speaker or presentation.

If done right, events can also strengthen relationships with your customers, build incredible brand loyalty and create long-lasting partnerships. We don’t believe we have the secret formula, but from our experience we believe that anything that’s done with love, determination and an attitude of giving first is always better than perfection.

Our speaker, Albert Stepanyan presenting his project Scylla

TIP #4 :

Stick around and make yourself available for discussion.

After the event, the audience will want to talk with you and learn more about what you’re doing. Make sure you have this time available because it offers great opportunities to build new relationships and strengthen existing ones.

Also snacks and drinks are a must have for an event because it stimulates people to have a further interest to stick around and mingle.

Well that was all of the tips from us for now!

As you can see, if done right, events can strengthen relationships with your customers, build incredible brand loyalty and create long-lasting partnerships. We don’t believe we have the secret formula, but from our experience we believe that anything that’s done with love, determination and an attitude of giving first is always better than perfection

We were so thrilled to host our first event and interact with our community and will certainly be organizing lots more in the future so keep an eye out on our Facebook page.

Hope you enjoyed this piece and let us know if you’re planning to host an event that you’d like us to join!

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