Find a Job at One of Lisbon’s Hottest Startups

Published in
2 min readSep 12, 2018
Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

It’s 2018 and Lisbon is booming with innovative and exciting new startups across industries. From B2B startups like Codacy to marketplaces like Uniplaces, startups are thriving with investment and government support.

Both Forbes and Wired have named Lisbon as a rising (and thriving) hub of entrepreneurship and innovation.

Wired says that,

“Portugal’s Golden Visa program is drawing people to the country and Lisbon continues its rise as a tech hub.”

With the growing number of startups in Lisbon and a flourishing entrepreneurial eco-system, we wanted to create a meet-point where the hottest startups and the best talent can come together.

That’s where Bravuz Jobs was born. dashboard

Bravuz Jobs is a hiring platform for IT & Tech, Management & Strategy and Marketing & Design positions for top Portuguese startups and for your career, the sky is the limit.

We wanted to create a fast and transparent process making it easier than ever to apply to positions and get hired.

Making a profile with your CV gives you immediate access to apply to the latest job postings and also allows for companies to discover you.

Our intuitive dashboard allows you to search by category and filter your field, you can quickly find the positions you’re most qualified for. dashboard

If you’ve been curious to find an opportunity at some of the most exciting Portuguese startups — this is your chance!

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