A little bit of my story…

Rodrigo Salles
Published in
Jun 9, 2018

I was born in the city of Duque de Caxias - Rio de Janeiro. I lived there for a few years and then moved to the City of Palms, the lovely Caratinga, Minas Gerais. Then, in search of new airs, I moved to London, England.

I lived there for two and a half years. I returned to Brazil in 2008, but this time to the city of Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais . After a few good years I decided to change again. This time the chosen city was the undefeated city! Porto, Portugal. And here I am at the moment(january-2021).

In this comings and goings I graduated in Physical Science, course concluded in 2003, and after some years I studied Mechatronics Engineering, a bachelors degree completed in 2014.



Rodrigo Salles
Editor for

Mechatronic Engineer — Physicist — Data Scientist. Always learning.