Breadcrumbs go Live: a message from the CEO

Lorne Lantz
Published in
3 min readSep 20, 2021


I’m Lorne Lantz and I’m the Founder and CEO of Breadcrumbs. In 2019, I began an investigation on an ICO that myself, and many others, were scammed millions of dollars out of. I was forced to use pen and paper to analyze the blockchain data because existing blockchain analytics tools were only open to Law Enforcement or for a $30,000.00 license fee.

The main purpose of these blockchain analytics tools are to protect the crypto community from illicit activities — like scams and hacks. However, if these tools are only available to a small group of people, how can we rely on these people to protect the entire industry? Especially when law enforcement has limited resources and generally only pay attention to frauds $50 million and above.

The crypto industry is the wild west of financial activity full of “high risk high reward” opportunities and the reality is: The responsibility is on each person to manage these risks.

Breadcrumbs is a set of blockchain analytics tools open to everyone, so they can make better decisions on how to manage their crypto risks

Originally I began building Breadcrumbs to speed up my ICO investigation. Fast forward two years and Breadcrumbs is a passionate team of individuals building tools for the community to Track, Trace and Protect their crypto.

Years of Beta

Over the past two years of Breadcrumbs being in Beta we have greater clarity of thought on what the crypto community needs and building tools to match those. We have:

  1. Built a blockchain analytics platform from the ground up that powers the tools we provide. We built our technology from scratch which gives us the flexibility to provide tools that fully match what the community needs . Had we built on top of 3rd party APIs our tools would have been limited by the scope of features available by these APIs and not fully serving the needs of the community.
  2. Building this platform by scratch comes with great technical challenges. In the first version of Breadcrumbs it took 10 minutes to load one page. Third version took 30 seconds. With the help of Graphaware, today a page takes about a second to load.
  3. We participated in many different high profile investigations. All the learnings our team gained from these experiences fed back into improving the Breadcrumbs tools.
  4. I’m most proud about the talented team we have built at Breadcrumbs. Every single person on the team deeply cares about why we are building these tools for the community. This is why it’s not enough for us to just build blockchain analytics tools, we have to build powerful blockchain analytics tools that are so easy and intuitive for anyone to use. Every tool we build must be so easy to learn that anyone can use the tool effectively after watching a 10 minute video.

Educated Community Voice

Each week another big crypto event occurs, and there’s often big variations in how these events are reported. Many times members of the community have been victims of misinformation

As mentioned we cannot rely on regulation, but rather have rely on ourselves as a community. Everyone should follow the motto:

“Don’t trust, Verify”

Over the past months we have provided the community with reports on different events with content that is backed up by data.

These tools become way more powerful when everyone in the community uses them, because these tools make it easy and quick for anyone to easily validate everyone else’s voice in crypto. Just like miners validate new transactions added to the blockchain, I think this is the most effective way the community can self police the crypto content broadcast to the community.

Use your new powers

Today Breadcrumbs is ready for everyone to use in a reliable and effective way. It’s a new power that the community can use to combat illicit activities and misinformation.

Don’t take my word for it, Try it yourself

Lorne Lantz, CEO of Breadcrumbs



Lorne Lantz

Ever since I was building lego houses as a toddler I've been building great products. I now build on the blockchain.