Bless Your Children, Give Them Names

Matt Springer
My Summer of Bruce
Published in
2 min readMay 30, 2012

There is nothing I do not love about this performance.


This is an arrangement that originated around 1975, and it’s popped up every once in a while since then. As concert rarities go, it’s up there, especially in this particular version.

So it’s relatively out of nowhere, which is always a thrill, and it blasts out with that amazing horn riff that makes you think the clouds have parted and there’s a single beam of God’s own sunshine aimed straight at your forehead. The words are mostly nonsense poetry, so when he starts singing, you’re not getting any deep meaning, except to have a great time — maybe this was a song about the endless stream of advice that a young musician gets when they’re hungry and trying to break in, but who the hell knows? Interstellar mongrel nymphs. Jesus.

You can hear the band getting their sea legs on this one, which is one of the great stories on this tour, that Springsteen has packed the stage with excellent musicians who have had to accomodate to life on E Street. This particular night in Tampa arrived just as the tour itself was starting, and after rehearsals and a few warm-up shows in New York and Austin — so you know the band knew their way around the main set pretty well, but was still learning to follow Springsteen’s changes.

There’s a sense of victory in that regard — that they’ve just conquered this monster and fucking killed it dead to the floor. It’s a joyous moment not just for the crowd but for the band as well.

Roy’s solo, Charlie’s solo, Steve’s solo. Jake Clemons being egged on by Springsteen as he blows, man, blows. The drummer duel. Springsteen admitting right before the duel, “We practiced this before the show!” The look on his face as he shouts, “Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey” to the crowd, as if he knows just how good he has it to be playing on this night with these people.

There is nothing I do not love about this performance.



Matt Springer
My Summer of Bruce

Music, mostly; movies and TV, sometimes; pop culture, almost constantly.