Everybody Form A Line

Matt Springer
My Summer of Bruce
Published in
1 min readJul 11, 2012

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Christ, how could you not?!

I’ve always wondered why that doesn’t happen more often in a situation like this. Obviously the etiquette surrounding massive concert operations like a modern Springsteen show don’t really make for the best line-forming circumstances.

But SHIT, I don’t know if I could control myself. I think I’d have to get up off my ass, or get out of my packed spot in the pit, and just start forcing people to boogaloo down the aisles at the command of the Boss.

What I love about this performance — other than, y’know, EVERYTHING — is that it speaks to the edge Springsteen works to maintain in his music. Here’s a bunch of sixty-something men and women, playing a song that’s almost forty years old, with a contemporary soul/R&B band that has members that may not have even been BORN when the song made its debut. They’re all up there, grinning like fools, united in the joy of jamming out. They’re bands, and there’s a few superstars among them, but in this moment, they’re just musicians, road warriors of the highest order, masters in executing nightly musical miracles that are totally getting off on playing together.

It’s only just occurred to me, too — the Roots totally have that whole E Street mythology vibe in the works. Captain Kirk, ?uestlove, Black Thought join with the Professor, the Mighty One, the Boss and the rest — it’s like watching the Avengers team up with the X-Men. How can that not be awesome?!



Matt Springer
My Summer of Bruce

Music, mostly; movies and TV, sometimes; pop culture, almost constantly.