The Stars Have Faded, The Sky Is Still

Matt Springer
My Summer of Bruce
Published in
2 min readJun 15, 2012

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The official Springsteen site has uploaded what they’re calling a “modern mix” of the latest single from Wrecking Ball, “Rocky Ground.”

I have no idea why they’re calling it a “modern mix.” It’s not like the original was recorded on a wax cylinder with washboards and spoons. But that’s what this is.

I’m not much moved either way by this version. I do like it, but then, I loved the original. This isn’t better or worse to my ears, just…different. It’s got some nice vocal backing in parts that jumps out and a few moments of gentle piano.

This was probably my first leap-out track from Wrecking Ball. I enjoyed the album well enough on first listen, but this is the song that put the hairs up on the back of my neck. It seemed to capture the mood of the record, of the moment, of the nation so perfectly — this journey ever upward while unseen hands continue to push us down. It reminds me of “Long Walk Home,” “Devils and Dust,” “My City of Ruins” — modern Springsteen songs that effortlessly encapsulate an era for our culture. Those whole records are good, but man, to distill it into one song…genius.

I also have no patience or tolerance for anyone who claims that the rap on this song by singer Michelle Moore is somehow out of place. Fortunately I haven’t heard much of that from Springsteen fans, but every once in a while there’s a message like “Man, that Springsteen song would be great if there weren’t RAPPING on it! I hate rap! And country! Otherwise, I like all kinds of music.”

Sure you do, nimrod.



Matt Springer
My Summer of Bruce

Music, mostly; movies and TV, sometimes; pop culture, almost constantly.