Ron Paul Tweeted Racist Cartoon About “Cultural Marxism”

Break The Fog
Published in
4 min readJul 2, 2018
The Image tweeted by Ron Paul and promptly deleted.

Former Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) on Monday tweeted, then promptly deleted, a racist cartoon that depicted exaggerated ethnic cliches with an arm of communism punching Uncle Sam.

The image contained a Jewish man with a hooked nose, a black man with 1930s style exaggerated lips, an Asian man with slanted eyes, and a Hispanic man drawn as a Neanderthal as they cried in unison “Cultural Marxism”.

Paul later on Monday said a staff member had posted the cartoon — so much for the party of personal responsibility.

As horrendous as the racial nature of the picture is, the underlying message adds an even scarier under tone that Break The Fog has touched on in the past. Namely, Nazism and the Ministry of Propaganda.

What is “ Cultural Marxism”?

Before the tweet was deleted, it linked to a Facebook post in which former Rep Ron Paul described Cultural Marxism as:

Marxists, after the tremendous failure of their *economic* ideas, decided to change their angle of attack. There was no way that people could be convinced that Socialism is economically superior to Capitalism.

Socialism produced tyranny and death in the hundreds fo millions, while Capitalist nations were bursting with wealth.

So, Marxists shifted to targeting culture instead of the economy. If cultural Marxists could destroy the culture of Capitalist nations, then they would try to use the opportunity to change the governments and economics to their Socialist utopia.

So in effect he argues that socialist shifted their “exploitation” rhetoric from being exploited by capitalist to gays being exploited by heterosexuals, old being exploited by the young etc. And who might we add does he credit this idea of a socialist utopia to? Karl Marx and the Globalist’s New World Order.

Cultural Bolshevism

According to Calvin College’s German Propaganda archive, from 1936 to 1938 the Nazis waged a variety of “anti-Bolshevist” campaigns. Hitler and other prominent Nazi leaders in Germany at the time produced speeches at the Nuremberg rallies as well as printed material to hand out at rally’s. They used the Soviet Union as a punching bag for their propaganda due to it’s self described communist philosophy and you can read a copy of that material on their site below:

A common theme you’ll find here is Nazi’s accusing Jews and the Bolsheviks of working together (or being one in the same) to destroy Western Civilization.

Let’s do an experiment here. For a moment, in your mind, replace the phrase “Globalist” with the phrase “Jews”, “socialism” with the term “communism”, and “Cultural Marxism” with the phrase “Cultural Bolshevism”. Now that this is clearly established in your mind, read what Joseph Goebbels, prominent Nazi politician and Reich Minister of Propaganda, had to say in his speech in 1935:

Bolshevism is explicitly determined on bringing about a revolution among all the nations. In its own essence it has an aggressive and international tendency. […]

In its final consequences it signifies the destruction of all the commercial, social, political and cultural achievements of Western Europe, in favour of a deracinated and nomadic international cabal which has found its representation in Judaism. This grandiose attempt to overthrow the civilised world is so much more dangerous in its effects because the Communist International, which is a past master in the art of misrepresentation, has been able to find its protectors and pioneers among a great part of these intellectual circles in Europe whose physical and spiritual destruction much be the first result of a Bolshevic world revolution. […]

It is no social experiment. It is nothing else than a mammoth system for the expropriation and despoiling of the Aryan directive classes in all the nations, and the substitution of the Jewish underworld in their place. Those people who put themselves forward here as the apostles of a new teaching and the liberators of mankind are in reality figures that herald anarchy and chaos for the civilised world.

It would appear to anyone with a keen ear participating in our experiment that not only did Ron Paul post grossly racist images on his tweet, but that the Facebook post that this racist tweet leaked to is still up at the time of this writing, and it is parroting one of history’s most harmful villains. Chilling.

You can read Joseph Goebbels full speech below. Credit to reddit user /u/wolphoenix for the source links.



Break The Fog

Privacy, politics, technology. Important seperately, maybe more so as a whole-from a guy who works for [REDACTED] in the field of [REDACTED].