The Average American’s Next Steps in Politics

The right is out of touch with reality, the left has become the right, and the rest of America is left with little to no choice in the current political landscape. This is exacerbated by the fact: America is becoming a progressive population.

Break The Fog
5 min readSep 4, 2016


Americans support things like universal healthcare, higher taxes for the wealthy, free public college education, a hugely increased minimum wage, campaign finance reform and more. And it’s not a small minority of Americans that support these things. Not anymore. It’s now the vast majority. So why is it that we are left staring at one another in awe at the choices we are left with this Novemeber? We have a long established corporate sell out with some progressive pandering on platform standing on stage representing the ‘Left’. On that same stage we have a xenophobic, racist, narcissist who speaks at a 3rd grade reading level representing the “Right”. It’s quite possibly the worst presidential election cycle in modern US History. So what’s a sane person to do?

Before we get much further, I want to clear something up. I know a lot of you are internally screaming right now ‘What about those third party candidates? Jill Stein? Gary Johnson?’. I truly wish they had a chance, I really do, but the two party system is so entrenched in to the modern political strucutre that it’s nearly impossible for them to even get a fair shake and for all intents and purposes they are largely a waste of time at this juncture. That’s a hard pill to swallow for some. I know. I get it. But we haven’t gotten the time to waste on these follies. There is a much longer game that the oligarchy plays and they are incredibly good at it, so we need to be playing that game to have some stake in the outcome. These other candidates are merely a distraction from that.

You can learn some more about FPTP voting and why our 3rd party friends are waisting their time here. I implore you to do more research than just watch this video but it’s a good start.

So what about that long game? It has taken some 40 to 50 years for the US to go from a democratic republic with decent representation in government to a corporately owned oligarcy. It was a brilliant plan with a lot of moving parts and it took a long time to come to fruition. If one thing can be said about the insanely wealthy, it’s that they have a great level of patience. Combined with their wealth, it’s a force to be reckoned with. The American population by comparison has the memory of a goldfish and the werewithall of a beggar. That said, at the heart of their plan is a very simple principle: divide and conquer. It’s an old strategy but it checks out. The use of this technique is meant to empower the sovereign to control subjects, populations, or factions of different interests, who collectively might be capable in opposing ruling class.

This comes in a lot of forms — blacks against whites, middle class against poor, citizen vs illegal alien, religion vs religion, to name a few. Guess which also helps futher that end? Fighting for a third party who is all but completely eliminated from the race. In addition, they use the existing two party system to play groups agaisnt each other ie. “Trump cannot win! Democrats must unite!”. In this case though, I agree. Trump certainly cannot win. That doesn't’ mean I support Clinton much either though. In fact, both candidates are both marching the US in the wrong direction. Trump just happens to be an accelerated regression in comparison to Clinton. Let’s not let their divide and conquer approach hurdle us even faster towards the wrong end of history. Our best chance at slowing that acceleration is going to be through using Clinton not Trump. Why? Because Clinton’s backers have shown they were already afraid enough to give in slighty to Bernie’s platform to keep an angry mob from coming at them. Did I mention this is another strategy in their grab bag of goodies? Placating. The problem is it doesn’t work that well if we know it’s happening. Now we do.

So that gets us to the crux of our issue and why Bernie is funding and running Our Revolution as the next step. Clinton as POTUS means a lot for the oligarchy if the Senate remains as it is. See, in the US the Senate makes the laws not the President (But you knew that, right?). The Laws are what are lobbied to advance the über riche’s freedoms, tax breaks, and power. The President just gets the final stamp of approval. However, we have a chance to change the Senate this November and that could be enough change to hold our pander bear president to her promises while simultaneously allowing the American population to regroup and advance their own agenda for a change.

“For the future of our country, and our progressive agenda, it is imperative that Democrats regain control of the Senate. My guess is that will all come down to which party wins three or four hotly contested races in states like Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Ohio and Nevada.” — Bernie Sanders.

Bernie isn’t wrong here. We need control of the Senate and we need it desperately. That’s where we make our move. It’s a beautiful plan if it works. This is the long game we must play and we have to ensure that our friends and family are willing to fight for this long game if we truely want real change in this country. Here’s what your next steps are America:

  1. Elect Clinton as President.
  2. Help Katie McGinty, Maggie Hassan, Ted Strickland, and Catherine Cortez Masto to become senators.

That’s it. Pretty simple when it’s broken down. The hard part is everyone needs to work together. This means conservatives working together with democrats. This means Bernie supporters go to the polls holding their nose and voting for Clinton. This means you stop wasting your time and energy on 3rd party candiates and you put that time and energy in these 4 senate hopefuls. Do not let them divide you up. Do not lose sight of whats important. Ignore the media trap of the Dem infighting. Forget about the manufactured fear of both campaigns. Focus America. Your country and your fellow Americans need you.



Break The Fog

Privacy, politics, technology. Important seperately, maybe more so as a whole-from a guy who works for [REDACTED] in the field of [REDACTED].