Meet the Farmer who Stopped Eating his own Produce — An Account of Pesticide Overuse at a Farm in Southern China

Breakazine Collection
7 min readApr 18, 2018

By Sandy Lee, Translated by Janice Yeung

(This article is taken from a seasonal Hong Kong magazine “Breakazine 037 Planting Poison”, published on May 2015)

“The only vegetables I eat are the wild shrubs growing along the borders of my field,” says Ah Wah, a local farmer who used to work at a farm that supplies Hong Kong with daily produce. Andy Wong/Breakazine

In August 2014, I visited a local non-profit organization in Conghua, an urban district of Guangzhou in central Guangdong, China. While being there, I talked to Yeung Wah (Ah Wah), a local farmer at an ecological farm. Upon hearing that I am from Hong Kong, Ah Wah exclaimed, “Vegetables exported to Hong Kong are the worst!”

Coming from a city with the fourth most efficient government in the world, I rested assured that my hometown had tight food safety checks, strict inspection of fruits and vegetables, and frequent laboratory tests. I have even heard of cases where mainland Chinese opt for imported vegetables in Hong Kong rather than local organic produce in China. Ah Wah, however, burst my bubble as he gave me an honest insider perspective of a farmer in southern China. “I never eat my own produce. The only vegetables I eat are the wild shrubs growing along the borders of my field.”

When we met, Ah Wah had already quit his job at a farm that supplies Hong Kong with daily produce. He switched to an ecological farm to learn more earth-friendly ways of farming. On a day with mild showers, I trailed Ah Wah to press him in speaking more about his previous job.

“We spray pesticides every day. From what I remember, amongst the farmers I knew who spray pesticides, one died and one became seriously ill.” His account of what happens at Chinese farms chilled my heart. I decided to visit one to experience for myself the reality of how my daily vegetables are produced.

“To ensure vegetables do not rot and do not have insects in them, farmers keep spraying chemicals on the plants,” says Ah Wah, while taking us around the farm he previously worked on. Andy Wong/Breakazine

A Land Without Life
On a humid and misty March afternoon, I followed Ah Wah to his previous workplace, a farm of over 400,000 square meters, enshrouded in a poetic daze of light fog.

As we hiked along the landscape of emerald green, it became natural to me as a city dweller to breathe in deeply to take in some wild fresh air. However, as soon as I inhaled, I could smell a stench of chemicals. As I looked more closely, the workers in the field had no face masks or gloves, their kids were even playing in the crops.

“They think they only need masks when the sun is out, but actually pesticides are denser in the fog.” Having worked at a pesticide company for four years, mostly performing clinical trials for new technical samples, Ah Wah had more knowledge about pesticides than the common farmer. The samples he used to create at his company were then sold to other factories to create combined products, adding emulsions and solvent fluids. “This process is hazardous,” he explained. “When mixing technical samples, you can still wear gloves and a face mask to protect yourself, but when you add vaporizing emulsions, it is hard not to inhale some of these chemicals. Most of us who work at these factories have leukemia.”

Ah Wah finally decided to quit his job at the pesticide factory to ‘detox’. In fact, it became usual for mainland Chinese pharmaceutical workers to leave their jobs when they have to prepare for giving birth.

While overlooking the vast fields, Ah Wah pointed at a worker in the distance. “That guy is spraying the blue powder, I forgot the scientific name of it, but let us check out what happens afterwards.” As we turned a corner, we found a pile of empty pesticide bottles and bags near a ditch. In the mud, we found traces of Butachlor (herbicide), Flubendiamide (pesticide), Dimethomorph (fungicide), Niconate Synthesizer (pesticide) and Zineb (fungicide). Zineb was the blue powder sprinkled over the plants.

Fortunately, we could not source DDT or Methamidophos in the soil, insecticides phased out due to their toxicity. However, Ah Wah reminded me that just because a pesticide is not banned or is labeled ‘Low in Toxicity’ does not mean it is completely safe, what matters is the amount is used. Using Zineb as an example, he says farmers usually mix it with other insecticides and herbicides, sometimes even adding plant hormones, so that produce comes out looking exactly the same.

“To ensure vegetables do not rot and do not have insects in them, farmers keep spraying chemicals on the plants. Generally we feed them chemicals five days a week, much more than the seven to 30-day time lag that is recommended.” As I listened to Ah Wah’s account of usual agricultural procedures, I could not help but wonder whether my daily routine of soaking vegetables for an hour was enough to clean the toxic spray that has permeated the plants. I started to understand why he only eats produce grown off the borders of the farm.

“It is alright, you can always choose to eat newborn shoots that grow after the main crops are harvested, these are usually not sprayed with that many chemicals. The huge and tidy vegetables you find at supermarkets, those have the most pesticides in them.”

Farmer preparing fungicide by mixing Zineb in a spray tank. Andy Wong/Breakazine

Tests in Theory
Won’t the authorities eventually find out about an overdose of pesticides at farms? Does the government not do regular checkups? “Theoretically they should, but in reality…” Ah Wah completed his unfinished sentence with an embarrassed grin. That grin gave me goosebumps.

“I worked on two farms that supply vegetables to Hong Kong, theoretically each of these farms should have testing labs, they have to send personnel to the Import and Export Commodity Inspection Bureau for regular training, they even receive a subsidy of RMB$1,000 per month if they agree to weekly vegetable sample inspections.” Sounds reasonable enough.

“The procedures are there, but my colleagues told me that even if pesticides were sprayed, the machine would not be able to recognize them. The machine used for inspections can only test for pesticides with Organophosphorus compounds and Organochlorides, those that do not contain these elements would not be discovered.”

What happens even if an overdose of chemicals is found out? “The farm I worked on grew leek flowers that are exported to Hong Kong’s supermarkets. Once the farmers sprayed blue powder on them the day before they were sent to their destination, some of the powder stayed on the tips of the flowers. The supermarket then asked to see our managers in Shenzhen. Our manager was quite experienced in dealing with these cases, he kept making up lies, even saying that the blue powder is a new type of nutrient additive. In the end the produce got through to the sellers.”

Being the straightforward guy that he is, Ah Wah found it difficult to continue working at the local farm, he switched to ecological agriculture, where he tries to grow food that are 100% organic (chemical free) and which do not use monocultures. “I did not think that was the way agriculture should be like. That was not what I dreamed of.”

As a millennial who studied bioengineering, agriculture in the mainland started booming when Ah Wah was in high school. He dreamed of being an agricultural pioneer. “I envisioned huge farmlands like in America, with jet planes streaming over fields to spray pesticides.” After graduating, he worked at a high tech pesticide factory and at two large local farms, but all of these workplaces left him disheartened.

“Now I am more interested in small-scale farming, like what our ancestors used to do.They hiked mountains to find special plant species, and made natural pesticides out of them to ward off insects. We used to own these traditional methods, now these natural ways are all lost.”

Ah Wah shared with me his plans excitedly, he plans to rent a field near home, using natural farming methods, raising pigs and planting dragon fruit, making use of the pig manure to build a biogas pond, bringing in weeds to fertilise the land, even sourcing indigenous microbes to add more humus to the soil.

The Silence of the Land
As we talked about the soil, Ah Wah started sighing as he pointed to lumps of cracked mud beneath us, he said that this indicates the land lacks humus, essentially losing life. “This is just like a hospital environment. A germ-free ward does not mean that health is nurtured.”

I could not tell whether it was the gloomy weather or my own heavy-heartedness that affected me, but as I looked across the farm fields, I saw ripe vegetables that looked like they were on drips, lifeless, silent.

“The environment here used to be good for farming,” Ah Wah gazed at the pesticide bags at our feet, his grin was lost. While I was worried for my health after eating toxic produce, he was more troubled by the lasting contamination done to his homeland. For some reason, as an outsider, I felt culpable.

(The digital version of Breakazine can be purchased here:

(Original article in Chinese)

「食, 我只會食田邊的野菜。」

— — 前供港菜場農夫楊華

(轉載自 Breakazine 037《種毒》)


去年8 月,我和同事應邀到廣州,跟當地的NGO 交流,順道參觀從化的生態農場,認識了楊華(化名)。他知道我們是香港人後,扮了個鬼臉,就爆了一句:「供港菜最流(差)呀!」




3 月18 日的下午,回南天時,大地起了一抹霧水,我們跟着阿華來到他以前工作的供港菜基地。遙望700 多畝的農田,輕煙迷濛,好一幅「茶是故鄉濃」的畫面。


「他們以為有陽光才需要戴口罩,但潮濕時農藥會更易霧化。」阿華來到以前的工地,整個人變得嚴肅起來。他有4 年時間在農藥廠工作,主要是配製原藥,原藥會再賣到其他藥廠製造複配藥,過程中會加乳化劑和溶劑溶解稀釋。「這個過程是危險的。原藥你仍可戴手套和口罩去保護自己,但所有溶劑都有揮發性,你很難避免吸入,我們都是白血病多發的。」他最終辭去了藥廠的工作,就是要「淨身」,預備生孩子,這是內地製藥廠工人的慣例。















