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Are You Overpaying for Energy?

Published in
2 min readMay 16, 2019


Energy cost is often measured as a simple formula:

Total Energy Cost = Price per kWh * Quantity of kWh.

More simply, how much it costs to purchase energy multiplied by how much you use. But at many companies the people brokering price are not the same people who manage use. Without one individual responsible for the total cost of energy, it’s hard to know if you’re getting the best deal.

So how do you maximize your total energy cost?

It takes a bit of effort and a lot of data to capture additional savings. If you wanted to do it manually, you could reference last year’s bills to find your low points, constantly check your smart meter to avoid spiking usage during peak times, and research the current market rates from multiple sources or brokers that you might not trust. The good news is that you already have the necessary data on hand, but let’s be honest…no one wants to do that.

Realtime usage data from a real building in Cambridge, MA

Like you, we’re not new to energy. But as new demand-based charges and financing models come into play, we need to change the way we own and analyze data to keep costs low. breakerbox works in the background to surface simple, actionable ways to control costs so you aren’t leaving value on the table.

The breakerbox market analysis dashboard, see your contract, the market price and condition, and the best offers and times to lock in your rate. We have algorithms and tools trained to look at unique details in contracts and map the future of the energy market. Learn more at our website.

Energy can be both a year-to-year and minute-to-minute decision — and we believe you should see the full picture of your data as you make those choices. Let us do the grunt work by trying our pilot beta today.



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We do the work of understanding both the energy market and your unique needs to bring you the best total cost savings across the year.