Breakfast Club
Published in
2 min readJul 28, 2014


fighting evil by moonlight,

eating food by daylight,

never running from a real fight,

they are the ones named breakfast crew

they are the one, BREAKFAST CREW!

Sailor Baekhyun dodged another slime attack from the offending monster demon villain thing, before grabbing his tiara. “Bacon Tiara Action!”

The bacon tiara flew but missed the monster demon villain thing by an inch. Taken back by the miss, Sailor Baek didn’t notice the villain charging up it’s own power, before unleashing it at Sailor Baek.

The attack was strong and as it hit Sailor Baek, it threw him to the wall.

With Sailor Baek now on the floor and injured, it was easy for the monster demon villain thing to make its way to him, hovering over him.

“Ablubleblahblahblah!” The monster demon villain thing screamed, a grin on its face. Sailor Baek, even though injured, looked up at the thing with a judging face.

“The fuck are you saying?”

The villain made another noise, this time, one of anger. It prepared itself for one last attack, before a single egg was thrown at its head.

“Stop right there, villain!” It turned around to see Tuxedo Yeolk.

“T-Tuxeodo Yeolk!” Sailor Baek managed to say in a really girly voice through all his pain. Tuxedo Yeolk threw another egg at the villain.

“Quick Sailor Baek, use your powers now!” Sailor Baek nodded and pushed himself up to his feet. Now that the monster demon villain thing was distracted by Tuxedo Yeolk and his eggs, Sailor Baek saw the best time to attack.

“Bacon Tiara Action!” He whipped the bacon tiara at the monster, which hit its target this time, causing the monster demon villain thing to vanish into pretty colourful sparkles in the air.

Sailor Baek smiled in victory as the villain died, turning back to Tuxedo Yeolk.

“We did it Tuxedo Yeo— Tuxedo Yeolk?”

He was alone, with a single egg in place of the previous spot Tuxedo Yeolk was standing.

“When are you going to reveal yourself to me, Tuxedo Yeolk?”

Sailor Baek whispered to himself, taking the egg, holding it dear to his heart.



Breakfast Club

i am a crack/smut writer and i don’t know what i’m doing half the time. this website is too sophisticatedly simple for me but i like it.