Sometimes You Have to Quit Before You Find Something Better

Alecia Kennedy
Breaking All The Rules
5 min readJan 22, 2024


Because otherwise you won’t have the energy to do it

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

When I was growing up, going to college, and starting my career, the one thing I remember hearing over and over was not to quit a job before you had another one. This advice was viewed as common sense and was what separated the losers in the lottery of life from the winners.

The thinking goes something like this — consistency in your income is preferable to inconsistency and if you have the mental and emotional control to wait until you have another job before you quit your current job then you have the stamina to succeed. In many ways this is true and very good advice for most people, in most circumstances, most of the time.

However, through my thirty-six years of actual real-life work experience, I have found times when this old adage does not hold true and can actually hold you back in life — mentally, emotionally, and financially. There are times when quitting a job before you have another one can actually give you the tools you need to succeed at your next (and likely better) job. Or at the very least, not set you back.

5 Times When Quitting First Can Benefit You (Or At Least Not Hurt You)

  1. When you are at an entry-level job that can easily

